Managing Orders for Paper Testing Materials

Managing Orders for Paper Testing Materials

Your district or campus may be pre-approved to receive paper materials for testing, such as test booklets. TIDE computes the quantities of these materials based on the number of students in TIDE with the appropriate attributes flagged for those tests. These flags include Section 504 Indicator Code, Paper by Request or Special Ed Indicator Code fields for STAAR Alternate 2 or TELPAS Alternate, as well as the appropriate Test Mode and Paper Test Format fields for all special paper or holistic administrations. For more information, refer to the Registration section of these Coordinator Resources. This section describes how to order additional quantities as necessary. This section also describes how to track order shipments and returns.

How district-level users review orders placed before test administration

You will be able to review and modify initial orders at any time during the initial order window.
NOTE: Not all assessment programs have an initial order window.

  1. When logging in to TIDE, select the appropriate administration for paper orders from the dropdown list. The Orders task menu will appear (refer to Figure 33).

  2. From the Orders task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select On-time (Initial) Orders. The On-time (Initial) Orders form appears.

  3. In the Contact Information panel (if available), do the following:

    1. Verify or enter information in the Test Coordinator Information panel.

    2. Verify or enter information in the Shipping Information panel. Post Office (P.O.) boxes are not allowed for a shipping address.

    3. Select Verify, and then select Continue in the confirmation message that appears. If contact information is not established, you will not be able to proceed.
      NOTE: Contact Information is based on Shipping Addresses listed in AskTED.

  4. In the “Search for Orders” panel, select Enrolled District or Enrolled Campus then select Search. The list of materials available for ordering will appear.

  5. In the list of initial orders, review the number in the Quantity Approved column; this is the amount of each item you are scheduled to receive (refer to Figure 34). For information on the columns that appear, refer to the table Columns in the Initial Orders Page in the appendix.

    1. If the Quantity Approved is incorrect, return to the Texas 2024-25 School Year administration task and confirm the student information loaded for your district/campus.

  6. If test booklets are required for an adult to administer an oral STAAR assessment, enter the number of desired test booklets in the Additional Quantity column. Any additional quantities you order may require approval.

    1. Select Save Orders.

  7. Select Submit to submit your order. The Order Summary pop-up window appears with the new order request on display.

  8. Select Close to return to the On-time (Initial) Orders page.

How district-level users place orders for additional paper testing materials during testing

You can request additional materials beyond those specified in your initial order.

  1. In TIDE, select the appropriate administration from the paper orders dropdown list. The Orders task menu will appear. Select Additional Orders. The Additional Orders form appears (refer to Figure 36).

  2. In the Contact Information panel (if available), do the following:

    1. Verify or enter information in the Test Coordinator Information panel.

    2. Select Verify, and then select Continue in the confirmation message that appears. If contact information is not established, you will not be able to proceed.

  3. Select Search. A list of materials available for ordering appears (refer to Figure 37). For information on the columns that appear, refer to the table Columns in the Additional Orders Page in the appendix.

  4. In the list of additional orders, review the number in the Quantity Approved column; this is the amount of each item you are scheduled to receive.

  5. If the Quantity Approved column is incorrect, enter a different number in the Additional Quantity column. Any additional quantities you order may require approval.

  6. Select Save Orders. A text box appears allowing you to enter additional comments.

  7. Select Submit to submit your order. The Order Summary pop-up window appears with the new order request on display.

Select Close to return to the Additional Orders page.

How district-level users view order history reports

You can review the order history of testing materials for your campus or district.

  1. In TIDE, select the appropriate administration for paper orders from the dropdown list. The Orders task menu will appear. Select Order History. The Order History page appears (refer to Figure 39).

  2. To view the order details, select the order number in the Order Number column. The Order Details form appears.

  3. To view the order’s tracking report, select Tracking Shipment button (refer to Icons).

  4. To view the order’s packing lists, manifests, and security checklists, select Track Documents button (refer to Icons).

How district-level users view order summary reports

You can review reports for your campus’s or district’s open orders.

  1. In TIDE, select the appropriate administration for paper orders from the dropdown list. The Orders task menu will appear. Select Order Reports. Select Order Summary. The Order Summary page appears (refer to Figure 40).

  2. Under Search Order For, do one of the following:

    1. Mark District (if available) to review orders for an entire district.

    2. Mark Enrolled Campus to review orders for a specific campus within your district.

  3. From the Search Order By dropdown list, mark the checkboxes for Initial and Additional, as available, to include those types of orders in the report.

  4. Select Search. The order report appears.

Figure 34. Paper Order Dropdown


Figure 35. List of Initial Orders