Student Data Request (SDR) User Guide

Student Data Request (SDR) User Guide

Student data requests allow you to obtain historical scoring reports for students. These requests are processed through TIDE. You need to have the role District Superintendent (DSA), District Testing Coordinator (DTC), or District Testing Assistant (DTA) to be able to make these requests in TIDE. Students must be in TIDE with their TSDS ID to request their historical records. Requests can be made for up to 10,000 students in a single file. An out-of-school (OOS) student needs to be added to TIDE with a TSDS ID that matches historical information for the student in order to return information in an SDR.

You can request historical scoring reports for one or more students using TIDE’s file upload process. This task requires familiarity with spreadsheet applications and/or comma-separated value (CSV) files.

How to Request Historical Scoring Reports for Students

  1. Log in to TIDE. The TIDE dashboard appears.

  2. From the Student Information task menu, select Student Data Request. The Student Data Request page appears.

  3. To download a template file you will fill out, select Download Templates and then select CSV or Excel.

  4. Using the table Columns in the Student Data Request Upload File as a reference, open the template file, fill it out, and save it to your computer

  5. On the Student Data Request page in TIDE, do the following:

    1. Select Browse.

    2. Navigate to and select the template file you saved.

    3. Select Next. The Preview page appears.

  6. Review the information on the Preview page and do one of the following:

    1. If the information is inaccurate, select Cancel, edit the template file, and upload it again.

    2. If the information is accurate, select Next. The Validate page appears.

  7. The Validate page shows errors (Error Warning icon) or warnings (Invalid Warning icon) associated with your upload file, if applicable (refer to Icons). An error means the file will be uploaded, but the row with the error will not be included. A warning means the field is invalid, but the row will be uploaded. You can choose to continue with your upload despite any errors or warnings found, but some records may not be committed. You may also choose to revise your upload file to remove any errors or warnings found.

    1. To revise the file before uploading, select Upload Revised File, revise the file, and upload it again.

    2. If no errors or warnings were found or to continue with the upload despite any errors or warnings found, select Continue with Upload. The Confirmation page appears, indicating your file has been uploaded.

  8. To upload a new file from the Confirmation page, select Upload New File.

Figure 1. TIDE Dashboard
Student Data Request Upload page with Download Templates, Browse, and Next buttons
Figure 2. Student Data Request Upload Page
Student Data Request Preview page with Next and Cancel buttons
Figure 3. Student Data Request Preview Page
Student Data Request Validate page with Continue with Upload, Upload Revised File, and Cancel buttons
Figure 4. Student Data Request Validate Page
Student Data Request Validate page with errors found in First Name, Last Name, and Student Date of Birth (DOB) fields and Continue with Upload, Upload Revised File, and Cancel buttons
Figure 5. Student Data Request Validate Page
Student Data Request Confirmation page with Upload New File button
Figure 6. Student Data Request Confirmation Page


Columns in the Student Data Request Upload File

Field Name


Valid Values

Enrolled Campus ID

Campus code

9 numeric characters


Student's unique statewide identification number

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

First Name

Student’s first name

Up to 60 characters

Last Name

Student’s last name

Up to 60 characters


Student’s date of birth

Date in mmddyyyy format


Assessment for which you want to view historical scores

One of the following:

·   EOC

·   3–8


·   Alternate EOC

·   Alternate 3–8

·   ALL - Returns results for all assessment types

How to Download Historical Scoring Reports from the Secure File Center

After a request has been made and processed, historical scoring reports can be downloaded from the inbox.

While a request is being processed, the file will appear in the inbox marked as In Progress. Once a request has been processed, an email will be sent to the requestor’s email, and the report will be available to download from the Secure File Center. Report files will be available for download within 48 hours of request submission.

  1. From the TIDE banner, select Secure File Center. The Secure File Center page appears.

  2. Optional: Use keyword search or filters to find the historical scoring report more easily.

  3. To download the report, select the file name. The file will be downloaded to the default location on your computer.

    Secure Inbox displaying the View Documents tab
    Figure 7. Secure Inbox

Historical Scoring Reports Returned 

  • Report files available for download within 48 hours of request submission

  • Multiple files returned, organized by program and administration

  • Prior-year results provided for students in grade 38

  • Cumulative results provided for students who tested with STAAR EOC

  • Prior year results provided for TELPAS, TELPAS Alternate, and STAAR Alternate 2

The Zip folder will contain several files including the following:

  1. NOMATCH—Unmatched records returned in an Excel CSV file

  2. Readme—A summary of the files returned for each student submitted

  3. One or more historical data files in .txt format returned according to the original administration data file layout:

Historical data file layouts can be found at Data File Formats .

Note: Historical data file formats character counts are varied across programs and administrations and as a result may include blanks. CAI does not alter the original being returned in the SDR.

Note: Historical Records for STAAR Grades 3-8 are available for years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022. Historical Records for STAAR EOC are available for years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Historical records for STAAR Alternate 2 are available for years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023. and 2024. Historical records for TELPAS are available for years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Historical records for TELPAS Alt are available for years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Sample STAAR EOC File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention



Denotes final data for spring administration in a specified year and for the subject indicated.

SF_1516_EOC_A1 contains the spring 2016 Algebra 1 STAAR EOC results.


Denotes final data for summer administration in a specified year and for the subject indicated.

SF_1616_EOC_BI contains the summer 2016 Biology STAAR EOC results.


Denotes final data for fall administration in a specified year and for the subject indicated.

SF_1316_EOC_EI contains the fall 2016 English I STAAR EOC results.

Sample STAAR 38 File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention




Denotes final data for primary spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_0321_5_8_G08 contains the spring 2021 STAAR results for grade 8 reading and mathematics.


Denotes final data for spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_1521_3-8_G03 contains the spring 2021 STAAR results for grade 3 reading and mathematics.


Denotes final data for the May retest opportunity for grades 5 and 8.


Denoted final data for the June retest opportunity for grades 5 and 8.

Sample STAAR Alternate 2 EOC File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention



Denotes final data for spring administration in a specified year and for the subject indicated.

SF_1522_ALT_E2 contains the spring 2022 English II STAAR Alternate 2 EOC results.

Sample STAAR Alternate 2 3-8 File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention



Denotes final data for primary spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_0422_ALT_G04 contains the spring 2022 STAAR Alternate 2 results for grade 4.


Denotes final data for primary spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_0421_3-8ALT_G03 contains the spring 2021 STAAR Alternate 2 results for grade 3 reading and mathematics.

Sample TELPAS File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention



Denotes final data for primary spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_0322_TELPAS_6 contains the spring 2022 TELPAS results for grade 6.

Sample TELPAS Alternate File Naming Conventions

Naming Convention



Denotes final data for primary spring administration in a specified year and for the grade indicated.

SF_0322_TELPASAlt contains the spring 2022 TELPAS Alternate results.


  1. Why isn’t a specific student’s data appearing on a historical data report?

    • Ensure the student is active and enrolled. Students must be active in TIDE and enrolled within one’s district to obtain historical student data files.

  2. Why can’t I export the report in a different format?

    • Files are returned in the same data file format used during the specified administration year. Data file formats are available on the Data File Formats webpage.

  3. Why am I getting an error in the Student Birth Date field?

    • The student date of birth field requires leading zeros, where applicable.  Correct birth date format is mmddyyyy.

  4. Requests are limited to 10,000 requests within a single upload. If a user attempts to upload a file with more than 10,000 it will only process the first 10,000 students.

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