TIDE Appendix

TIDE Appendix


Account Information

You can modify your name, phone number, and other account information in TIDE. (To change your email address, your campus or district testing coordinator must create a new account with the updated email address.)

  1. In the TIDE banner, from the Manage Account dropdown list, select My Contact. The My Contact Information page appears (refer to Figure 62).

  2. Enter updates as necessary.

  3. Select Save.

TIDE saves your changes, and a confirmation message appears.

My Contact Information page - Add-Edit My Account panel with fields for editing contact information
Figure 62. Fields in the My Contact Information Page

Administration and Security Forms

You can submit new administration and security forms and view and edit existing forms through TIDE. TIDE currently supports the following forms:

  • Accommodation Request – This form allows you to request accommodations for students.

  • Security Oath for Superintendent – This form allows superintendents to submit security oaths.

  • Security Oath Part I and II for District Coordinator – This form allows district coordinators to submit security oaths.

  • Procedural Testing Irregularity – This form allows you to report procedural testing irregularities.

  • Serious Testing Violation – This form allows you to report serious testing violations.

  • Monday Testing Notification – This form allows district coordinators to information TEA of their intent to administer a STAAR assessment on Monday of week 1 during the testing window.

Submitting Administration and Security Forms

You can submit new administration and security forms by following the steps below.

  1. From the Administration and Security Forms task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select Submit a Form. The Submit a Form page appears.

  2. From the Select a Form drop-down list, select the form you wish to submit.

  3. Select Select. The form appears.

  4. Using any available drop-down lists, checkboxes, and text boxes, fill out the request form.

  5. Select Submit. The form is submitted.

Viewing and Editing Administration and Security Forms

You can view and edit existing administration and security forms by following instructions below.

  1. From the Administration and Security Forms task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select View/Edit Forms. The View/Edit Forms page appears.

  2. Enter search criteria to find the form you want to view or edit.

  3. Select Search. A search results grid appears, displaying forms matching your search criteria.

  4. To view or edit a form, select the Pencil Edit button for that form. The form appears.

  5. Using any available drop-down lists, checkboxes, and text boxes, edit the form as necessary.

  6. Select Submit. The edited form is submitted.


Changing Your Associated Administration Task

Depending on your permissions, you can switch to different test administrations, campuses, districts, and user roles in TIDE.

  1. In the TIDE banner, select Change Role from the Manage Account dropdown menu. The Administration Tasks window appears (refer to Figure 63).

  2. Update the information as necessary.

  3. Select Submit. A new homepage appears that is associated with your selections.




Columns in the Additional Orders Page

You can use the information in the table below to place orders for additional paper testing materials during testing.



Material Description

Description of the materials included in the order.

Additional Quantity

Amount to order. The entered amount should include the quantity displayed in the Quantity You Will Receive column along with any additional quantity. For example, if the quantity displayed in the Quantity You Will Receive column shows 135 and you need 10 more, enter 145.

Quantity Pending Approval

Latest quantity sent for approval. Resets to zero after approved or disapproved.

Quantity Approved

Latest quantity approved. Resets to zero after transmission to the printer.

Quantity You Will Receive

Cumulative quantity sent to the printer. This number always increases after each transmission. In some cases, this number is rounded up to the multiple in a pack or box.

Columns in the Additional Student Fields Upload File

Field Name


Valid Values


Students’ state assigned unique identifier.

10 numeric characters


Special programs and accommodations that the student needs to be made eligible for.

  • Agency Code A

  • Agency Code B

  • Agency Code C

  • Agency Code D

  • Agency Code E

  • Alternate Student Flag

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • At-Risk Indicator

  • Bilingual Program Type

  • Black or African American

  • Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)

  • December EOC Eligibility

  • Economic Disadvantage

  • Emergent Bilingual Indicator Code

  • EOC - Previously Passed

  • ESL Program Type

  • Extra Day

  • Gender

  • Gifted / Talented

  • High School Equivalency Program (HSEP)

  • Hispanic or Latino

  • June EOC Eligibility

  • Local Student ID

  • Migrant

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • New to Texas

  • Paper By Request

  • Parental Denial


  • Retester

  • Section 504 Indicator Code

  • Special Ed Indicator Code

  • Spring EOC Eligibility

  • STAAR & TELPAS Paper Test Format

  • STAAR 3-8 Above Grade

  • STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility

  • STAAR Alternate 2 Non-Embedded Supports

  • STAAR Alternate 2 Paper Format

  • STAAR Non-Embedded Supports

  • Student with Interrupted Formal Education Code


  • TELPAS Non-Embedded Supports

  • TELPAS Rater A (Relationship)

  • TELPAS Rater B (Collaboration)

  • Test Mode

  • Texas Migrant Interstate Program (TMIP)

  • Title 1 Part A

  • Unschooled Asylee / Refugee Code

  • White

  • Years in U.S. Schools


Subject associated with selected field.

  • Algebra I

  • Biology

  • English I

  • English II

  • U.S. History

  • Mathematics

  • Reading Language Arts

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • TELPAS Listening & Speaking

  • TELPAS Reading & Writing


Value for associated subject.

For Agency Codes A-E, Date of Birth, (MMDDYYYY), Emergent Bilingual Indicator Code, ESL Program Type, Extra Day, Gender, Grade, Local Student ID, Other Designated Supports, Paper Test Format, PEIMS ID, Restester, STAAR 3-8 Above Grade, STAAR Alt2 Non-Embedded Supports, STAAR Non-Embedded Supports, TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS, TELPAS Non-Embedded Supports, TELPAS Rater A (relationship), Test Mode, Title 1 Part A, and Years in U.S. Schools, refer to Valid Values in the Additional Student Fields Upload File.

For all other attributes:

  • Yes

  • No

Columns in the Appeals/Score Codes Upload File

You can use the information in the table below to add or modify multiple appeals/score codes all at once through file upload.

Field Name


Valid Values

Request Type*

Type of appeals/score codes.

One of the following:

  • Do Not Report

  • Grace Period Extension

  • Re-Score a Test

  • Set Score Code

  • Change Score Code

Search Type*

Student field to search.

One of the following:

  • Result ID

  • Session ID


Search Value*

Search value corresponding to the search type.

Up to 1,000 alphanumeric characters. The value must exist in TDS or TIDE. For example, specifying a result ID of 123456 requires that this result ID exist in TDS.


Explanation of request.

One of the following (depending which request type is selected):

  • Started test by mistake

  • Technical issue

  • Testing on paper

  • Grade level change

  • Extended time

  • Power/internet outage

  • Submitted test too early

  • Technical issue

  • Parent Request

  • Educator Request

  • Student Request

  • Other


Additional comments for request.

Up to 1,000 alphanumeric characters (depending on which type of request type is selected)

*Required field.

Columns in the Detailed Session Report Page

 You can use the information in the table below to view test session status reports.



Enrolled Campuses

Name of the campuses associated with the Session ID.

Proctor Name

Name of the proctor associated with the Session ID.

Test Name

Name of the test associated with the Session ID. Multiple tests may be associated with one Session ID.

Session ID

The Session ID to which the test is linked.

Start Time of Session

Start time of the session.

Total # of Tests

Total number of students testing in each campus.

Tests Started

Number of tests that have been started and have not been completed or paused.

Tests Paused

Number of students who have paused their test.

Tests Completed

Number of students who have completed their test.

Columns in the Holistic Rating Upload File

Column Name


Valid Values


Students’ state assigned unique identifier.

10 numeric characters

Student Last Name

Student’s last name.

Up to 60 printable ASCII characters

Student First Name

Student’s first name.

Up to 60 printable ASCII characters

Date of Birth

Student’s date of birth.

8 number characters in mmddyyyy format

Test Window*

Title of the test window.



Dropdown of applicable test titles for the test window.

Refer to the Data File Format for Holistic Rating Upload File

Rating Value*

Dropdown of possible rating assigned to the student for that test and language domain

1 (Beginning)

2 (Intermediate)

3 (Advanced)

4 (Advanced High)

*Required field.

Columns in the Initial Orders Page

You can use the information in the table below to review orders placed before test administration.



Material Description

Description of the materials included in the order.

Quantity You Will Receive

Quantity to be shipped from the vendor after the initial order window closes. This quantity includes any rounding above the Quantity Approved.

Quantity Approved

Quantity that is approved. This reflects what was requested in the Additional Quantity column. Resets to zero after transmittal to the printer.

Quantity Pending Approval

Quantity requiring approval beyond that automatically approved. Resets to zero after approved or disapproved.

Additional Quantity

Quantity of materials based on eligibility counts plus 10% overage (for STAAR Alternate 2 only).

Columns in the Interim Grades Upload File

You can use the information in the table below to upload interim grades. By default, students are eligible for interim assessments in their enrolled grade.

Field Name


Valid Values


State-assigned student identifier.

10 numeric characters. Must be enrolled in your district.


Label used for the interim grade attribute.

Interim Grade Testing


Subject of assessment.

One of the following:

  • Mathematics

  • RLA

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Algebra I

  • Biology

  • English I

  • English II

  • U.S. History


Student’s interim grade.

For Mathematics and Reading:

  • None

  • 03

  • 04

  • 05

  • 06

  • 07

  • 08

For Science:

  • None

  • 05

  • 08

For Social Studies:

  • None

  • 08

 For Algebra I, Biology, US History, English I, and English II:

  • None

  • Yes

*Required field.

Columns in the Order Summary Page



Material Type

Description of the materials included in the order.

District Expected Shipment

Quantity to be shipped from the vendor to district.

District Awaiting Approval

Additional quantities district ordered that are pending approval.

Enrolled Campus Expected Shipment

Quantity to be shipped from the vendor to campus.

Enrolled Campus Awaiting Approval

Additional quantities campus ordered that are pending approval.

Total Expected Shipment

Quantity of the material that is approved. This includes the original quantity plus any additional quantities you ordered.

Total Awaiting Approval

Additional quantities you ordered that are pending approval.

Columns in the Order History Page



Order Number

Purchase order number.

Order Type

Type of order: initial or additional.

Submitted By

User who generated the order.

Order Status

Order’s current status.

Submitted Date

Date order was generated.


Tracking information for user orders.


Shipping reports.

Columns in the Plan and Manage Testing Report

You can use the information in the table below to view report of students’ current test status through the Plan and Manage Testing Report or when searching by student ID.



District Name

Name of the district associated with the record.

Campus Name

Name of the campus associated with the record.


Student’s Statewide Student Identifier Number.

Student Name

Student’s legal name (Last Name, First Name).

Enrolled Grade

The grade at which the student is enrolled.

Above Grade Testing

Indicates whether a student took an above-grade level test.

Interim Grade Test

Indicates the interim grades set up for the student.

Emergent Bilingual

Indicates whether a student is an English learner.

Test Language

The language setting that was assigned to the student. (English or Spanish)


Test name for this student record.


The status for that specific opportunity.

Date Started

The date when the first test question was presented to the student for that opportunity.

Date Completed

The date when the student submitted the test for scoring.

Test Duration

The time it took for a student to complete a test.

Last Activity

The date of the last activity for that opportunity or record.


The total number of times a student has resumed an opportunity (e.g., if a test has been paused three times and the student has resumed the opportunity after each pause, this column will show three restarts).

(This includes Restarts Within Grace Period—see below.)

Session ID

The session ID to which the test is linked.

TA Name

The test administrator who created the test session in which the student is currently testing (or in which the student completed the test).

Columns in the Roster Upload File

You can use the information in the table below to add or modify multiple rosters all at once.

Column Name


Valid Values

Enrolled District ID*

Enrolled District associated with the roster.

Enrolled District ID that exists in TIDE. Up to 20 characters.

Enrolled Campus ID*

Enrolled Campus associated with the roster.

Enrolled Campus ID that exists in TIDE. Up to 20 characters. Must be associated with the enrolled district ID.


Teacher Email Address*

Email address of the teacher associated with the roster.

Email address of a teacher existing in CRS.

This field is optional and should not be populated for TIDE-only rosters.

Roster Name*

Name of the roster.

Up to 20 characters.


Student’s unique identifier within the district.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters.


Indicates if this is an add or delete transaction.


*Required field.

Columns in the Student Information Upload File

You can use the information from Data File Layouts available on the Technology Resources section of the Texas Assessment Program website (TexasAssessment.gov) to add or modify multiple student accounts all at once through file upload.

Note: Uploading a registration file replaces data in TIDE previously entered for a student. However, for fields denoted as blank = database value retained, a blank upload will maintain the field value currently active in TIDE.

The table below lists the required Fields in the Student Information (Registration) File:

Field Name


Valid Values


Students’ state assigned unique identifier

10 numeric characters

Enrolled District ID

District code where the student is currently enrolled.

6 numeric characters

Enrolled Campus ID

Campus code where the student is currently enrolled.

9 numeric characters

Last Name

Student’s last name.

Up to 60 printable ASCII characters

First Name

Student’s first name.

Up to 60 printable ASCII characters


Student’s date of birth.

8 number characters in mmddyyyy format

Grade Level Code

Student’s enrolled grade.

EE = Early Education

PK = Pre- Kindergarten

KG = Kindergarten

01 = Grade 1

02 = Grade 2

03 = Grade 3

04 = Grade 4

05 = Grade 5

06 = Grade 6

07 = Grade 7

08 = Grade 8

09 = Grade 9

10 = Grade 10

11 = Grade 11

12 = Grade 12

OS = Grade 14 (out of school)

Note: The student registration data file also includes 60+ other optional fields.

The table below lists the optional fields in the Student Information (Registration) File and their descriptions:

Field Name


Testing District ID

District code where the student is currently testing. Indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.

Testing Campus ID

County/District/Campus (CDC) number of student's testing location.

Middle Name

Valid Values: All printable ASCII characters; blank.


M = Male
F = Female
<blank> =


ID used in the local Student Information System to uniquely identify the student in the submitting system. The primary purpose of this field is to provide a mechanism to import student data from the TSDS Unique ID system back into the local source systems.

Local Student ID

Optional, assigned by the school district Valid values: 0-9, blank

Hispanic Latino CODE (ETH)

Student has been identified as Hispanic/Latino.

American Indian/Alaska Native (I)

Student has been identified as American Indian or Alaska Native. 

Asian Code (A)

Student has been identified as Asian.

Black / African American Code (B)

Student has been identified as Black or African American.

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Code (P)

Student has been identified as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

White Code (W)

Student has been identified as White.

Emergent Bilingual Indicator Code (EL)

Student has been identified as limited English proficient by the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC).
For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, 1 is the only valid value.

Migrant Indicator Code (MS)

Student has been identified as a migrant student.

Years in U.S. Schools

Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate students.

Parental Denial Code

The parent or guardian has denied placement of the student in any special language program.
NOTE: Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate only

Unschooled Asylee / Refugee Code

Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate only

High School Equivalency Program (HSEP)

Mark (along with the "O" score code) if a student who is court-ordered to participate in an authorized high school equivalency program qualifies to be and is excused from taking the test.

Texas Migrant Interstate Program (TMIP)

Must be set to the value of “Yes” for any student testing under the migrant program. 

New To Texas

Any student who transferred from out-of-state or out-of-country directly into the school district or charter school during the current school year (August 1–July 31) is considered “New to Texas”.

Special Ed Indicator Code

Student is participating in a special education program.

Section 504 Indicator Code

Indicates that a student received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year.

Gifted / Talented Indicator Code (G/T)

Student is participating in a state-approved Gifted/Talented program.

Economic Disadvantage Code (ED)

1 = Eligible for free meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program
2 = Eligible for reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program
9 = Other economic disadvantage
0 = Not identified as economically disadvantaged

Title 1 Part A Indicator Code (TIA)

A = Student resides in a facility for the neglected, attends a Non-Title I campus, and receives Title I, Part A services through Title I; Part A Program that is run through the central Administration Office.

6 = Student attends campus with school wide program
7 = Student participates in program at targeted assistance school
8 = Student is previous participant in program at targeted assistance school (not a current participant)
9 = Student does not attend a Title I, Part A school but receives Title I, Part A services because the student is homeless
0 = Student does not currently participate in and has not previously participated in program at current campus

At-Risk Indicator Code (AR)

Student is designated as being at risk of dropping out of school under state-mandated academic criteria only.

TELPAS Alternate

Alternate student for TELPAS

STAAR Alternate 2

Alternate student for STAAR

STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility

Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History

STAAR 3-8 Above Grade

Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies

December EOC Eligibility

Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History

Spring EOC Eligibility

Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History

June EOC Eligibility

Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History

Fields for Local Use 1-4

Valid values: 0-9, blank

Interim Test Grade

Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History, Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies


ADD = Add or update student
DELETE = Delete student
<blank> = Add or update student

Columns in the Summary Session Report Page

You can use the information in the table below to view test session status reports.




List of campuses for which you can view reports.

Total # of Students in Test

Total number of students testing in each campus.

Tests in Progress

Number of tests that have been started and have not been completed or paused.

Tests Paused

Number of students who have paused their test.

Tests Completed

Number of students who have completed their test.

Columns in the Test Completion Rates Report

You can use the information in the table below to view report of test completion rates.




Administration that is being reported.

Date Generated

Date and time that the file was generated.

District ID

The ID of the reported district.

District Name

The name of the reported district.

Test Window Description

Description of the test window.

Campus ID

The ID of the reported campus.

Campus Name

The name of the reported campus.


Test opportunity number that is being reported.

Percent Completed

Percentage of students who have completed the test out of the total number of students with an active relation to the campus in TIDE.

Percent Started

Percentage of students who have started the test out of the total number of students with an active relation to the campus in TIDE.

Region ID

The ID of the reported region.

Region Name

The name of the reported region.


Group of tests containing the test that is being reported.

Test Name

Grade, test, and subject that are being reported.

Total Eligible Students

Number of students with an active relationship to the campus in TIDE.

Total Student Completed

Number of students who have finished the test and submitted it for scoring.

Total Student Started

Number of students who have started the test.

Columns in the Test Attributes Upload File

You can use the information in the table below to upload student accommodations and test tools.



Valid Values


Student's statewide identification number.

Ten digits.


Subject for which the tool or accommodation applies.

One of the following:

  • Algebra I

  • Biology

  • English I

  • English II

  • Mathematics

  • RLA

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • U.S. History

  • TELPAS Reading & Writing

Tool Name

Name of the tool or accommodation.

Refer to the table “Valid Values for Tool Names in the Test Attributes Upload File.


Indicates if the tool or accommodation is allowed or disallowed, or the accommodation’s appearance.

Refer to the table “Valid Values for Tool Names in the Test Attributes Upload File.”

*Required field.

Columns in the Update Temp ID to TSDS ID Upload file



Valid Values


Student’s temporary ID.

TXT-followed by up to six numeric characters.


Student’s statewide identification number.

10 numeric characters.

*Required field.

Columns in the User Upload File

You can use the information in the table below to add or modify multiple user accounts all at once through file upload.



Valid Values

Regional ID*

Region/ESC associated with the user.

Region/ESC that exists in TIDE, and must be associated with the user uploading the file. 2 numeric characters.

District ID

District associated with the user.

District ID that exists in TIDE, and must be associated with the user uploading the file. 6 numeric characters.

Campus ID

Campus associated with the user.

Campus ID that exists in TIDE, and must be associated with the user uploading the file. 10 numeric characters. Must be associated with the district ID. Can be blank when adding district-level users.

First Name*

User’s first name.

Up to 35 characters.

Last Name*

User’s last name.

Up to 35 characters.

Email Address*

User’s email address.

Any standard email address. Up to 128 characters that are valid for an email address. This is the user’s username for logging in to TIDE.

User Role*

User’s role. For an explanation of user roles, refer to User Role Permissions.

One of the following:


ERS: ESC Region Staff

RCU: Regional Content User

DS: District Superintendent

DTC: District Testing Coordinator

DTA: District Testing Assistant

DRV: District Report Viewer

DCU: District Content User

LMS_Only: Learning Management System Only

CTC: Campus Testing Coordinator

CRV: Campus Report Viewer

OTA: Online Test Administrator

PR: Principal

SDA: Student Data Assistant

TE: Teacher

CTS: Campus Technology Staff

TSA: Test Setup Assistant

Phone Number

User’s phone number.

Phone number in xxx‑xxx‑xxxx format. Extensions allowed.

Texas Unique Staff ID

User’s Staff ID

Up to 10 characters.


Indicates if this is an add, modify, or delete transaction.

One of the following:

Add—Add new user or edit existing user record.

Delete—Remove existing user record.

*Required field.


Deleting Records from TIDE

You can delete existing records for users, students, rosters, and student eligibilities from TIDE. For users with multiple roles, individual roles can be deleted without deleting the entire user account.

  1. Retrieve the records you want to delete by following the procedure in the section Searching for Records in TIDE.

  2. Do one of the following:

    1. Mark the checkboxes for the record you want to delete.

    2. Mark the checkbox at the top of the table to delete all retrieved records.

  3. Select Delete button and in the affirmation dialog box select OK.


Exporting Records in TIDE

You can export search results for users, students, rosters, students’ test settings, testing windows, and appeals/score codes to the Inbox.

  1. Retrieve the records you want to export by following the procedure in the section Searching for Records in TIDE.

  2. In the search results pop-up window, select Export to Secure File Center and select the file format (CSV or Microsoft Excel) in which the data should be exported. You can navigate away from the page and perform other tasks if required. When your file is available for download, you will receive an email to the email account registered in TIDE. After receiving the email, you can download the exported file from the Secure File Center.

You can also export records from the search results grid:

  1. Retrieve the records you want to delete by following the procedure in the section Searching for Records in TIDE.

  2. Do one of the following:

    1. Mark the checkboxes for the record you want to export.

    2. Mark the checkbox at the top of the table to export all retrieved records.

    3. Select Export button, and then select Excel or CSV.





Fields in the Demographics Panel

You can use the information from Data File Layouts available on the Technology Resources section of the Texas Assessment Program website (TexasAssessment.gov) to add new student accounts with permanent IDs one at a time or to modify existing student accounts one at a time.

Note: If a demographic information field is left blank, data from the March 2025 PEIMS submission will be used to complete the field. New students will be added to TIDE during the PEIMS import if the PEIMS file includes TSDS IDs that do not exist in TIDE already.

Fields in the Test Attributes Panels

When you are adding new student accounts with permanent IDs one at a time or modifying existing student accounts one at a time, you can use the information from Data File Layouts available on the Technology Resources section of the Texas Assessment Program website (TexasAssessment.gov) to enter the student’s settings for each test.

Fields in the View/Edit User Page

You can use the information in the table below to modify existing user accounts.



Email Address*

Email address for logging in to TIDE.


User’s role. For an explanation of user roles, refer to User Role Permissions.


Region associated with the user.


District associated with the user.


Campus associated with the user.

First Name

User’s first name.

Last Name

User’s last name.

Phone Number

User’s phone number.

Texas Unique Staff ID

User’s Staff ID.

*Required field.


Generating Upload-ready Student Data Files

TIDE can generate student data files in upload-ready format. This allows you to download the file, edit student data as necessary, and upload the file back to TIDE to update student data in the system.

  1. From the Student Information task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select View/Edit/Export Student. The View/Edit/Export Student page appears.

  2. Retrieve the student(s) you want to include in the data file.

  3. Optional: In the list of retrieved students, mark the checkbox(es) for one or more students you want to include in the data file.

  4. Select Export button and then do one of the following:

    1. To export the students you selected, if applicable, select Export in upload format.

    2. To export all students in the results grid, select Export All in upload format.

TIDE generates the upload-ready student data file and exports it to your device. You can edit student data as necessary, save your changes, and upload the file back to TIDE to update student data in the system.



Icon Name

Icon Image

Delete Button


Pencil Edit Button


Arrow Button


Export Button


Print Button


Plus sign Button To Add Student


X Button to Remove Student


Tracking Shipment Button


Tracking Report Button


Resolve Discrepancy Button


Reassign Button


Reassign Student Button


Error Warning Icon


Invalid Warning Icon

Hide/Show Button

Custom Label Button


Archive Button

Magnifying Glass Button

Left Arrow Button

Right Arrow Button

Previous Results Button

Next Results Button

Columns Menu Button



List of Appeal Requests by Test Status

You can use the information in the table below to manage appeals/score codes.

Test Status

Restart a Test

Re-Open a Test

Segment Re-Open

Grace Period


Re-Score a Test

Change a Score Code

Set Score Code

































































































List of Appeal Request Statuses

You can use the information in the table below to manage appeals/score codes.

Appeals/Score Codes Status

Description of Status

Error Occurred

An error occurred while the appeals/score codes was being processed.

Pending Approval

Appeals/Score Codes is pending approval.


Appeals/Score Codes was successfully processed and the test opportunity has been updated.


Another user rejected the appeals/score codes.

Rejected by System

Test Delivery System was unable to process the appeals/score codes.

Requires Resubmission

Appeals/Score Codes must be resubmitted.


Originator retracted the appeals/score codes.

Submitted for Processing

Appeals/Score Codes submitted to Test Delivery System for processing.

List of Appeal Request Types

You can use the information in the table below to manage appeals/score codes.

Reset and revert appeals/score codes must be submitted at least one day prior to the end of a test window so that students can complete their test opportunity or data entry can be completed for paper-based tests.



Do Not Report

Enables you to invalidate the test and prevent any further action on the test.

Grace Period Extension (GPE)

Allows the student to review previously answered questions upon resuming a test or test segment after expiration of the pause timer. For example, a student pauses a test, and an 8-hour pause timer starts running. The following scenarios are possible:

  • If resuming the test within 8 hours, student can review previously answered questions.

  • Without a GPE, student resuming the test after 8 hours cannot review previously answered questions—student can only work on unanswered questions.

Upon receiving a GPE, student can review previously answered questions upon resuming the test. The normal pause rules apply to this opportunity.

Re-Score a Test

Sends a request to CAI to rescore a test. This request is applicable to tests that involve hand scoring. 

Set Score Code

Sets a new score code for a test opportunity. Set Score Code is only available during an applicable test administration.

Change Score Code

Updates an existing score code for a test opportunity. Users may only submit changes for tests administered or score codes entered during the test window.


Ordering Materials

Some students take tests using traditional paper forms. To administer these tests, students and test administrators need to receive test materials, such as test booklets or instruction guides.

TIDE automatically computes the quantities of test materials that your district or campus receives based on the number of eligible students during the initial order window (refer to Calendar of Events). For example, if there are 15 students in your district eligible for special paper administration of a fourth-grade mathematics test, TIDE initiates an order for 15 test booklets.

There are two windows for placing orders. The first window is for placing initial orders. This is the time during which you can review, confirm, and modify orders for materials and be guaranteed that they arrive at the district in time to distribute them to the campus for the test. These orders arrive as a single shipment. During the initial order window, TIDE accumulates all the orders and additional quantities, and sends them to the printer. Refer to the section “How district-level users review orders placed before test administration” for an explanation about working with initial orders.

After the initial order window closes, the additional order window opens for placing additional orders. During this time, you can place additional orders for materials as described in the section “How district-level users place orders for additional paper testing materials during testing.” During this second window, TIDE transmits the orders to the printer on a daily basis.

Figure 66 shows a timeline illustrating the order windows. The additional order window extends after the test date; this allows districts to place orders for return materials.

Diagram showing initial order window and additional order window for testing materials

All materials require approval for every additional order placed. TIDE transmits to the printer only those orders that are approved.

TIDE maintains a record of each order’s status, labeling the order as pending approval, approved, or transmitted to the printer. These statuses appear in the View Order History task, as described in the section “How district-level users view order history reports.”

Understanding an Order’s Status

In the normal workflow for an initial order, a testing coordinator generates the order, then reviews and submits it for approval. Next, a state-level administrator reviews the order, approving or modifying it as appropriate. If approved, TIDE sends the order to the vendor, who prints and ships the order.

On the View Order History page (refer to the section “How district-level users view order history reports.”), TIDE displays an order’s status depending on its most recent activity. The “List of Order Statuses” table on the following page describes those statuses. (Your version of TIDE may not include all of these statuses.)

List of Order Statuses




Order was generated by TIDE, awaiting review by a testing coordinator. (Not applicable to additional orders.)

Awaiting Approval

Order is awaiting approval.


Order was not approved.


All line items in the order were approved.


Order was transmitted to vendor.

Partially Approved

At least one line item in the order was rejected.

In Process

Order is approved, not yet transmitted to vendor.


Order was canceled.

Confirming Order Participation

TIDE automatically computes the initial order quantities for testing materials based on the number of eligible students entered into TIDE by the date of the close of the initial order window (as shown on the Calendar of Events). For example, if 25 students in a district are in fourth grade with Special Education Indicator Code or Section 504 Indicator Code flags set to “Yes,” Test Mode set to “Paper,” and the appropriate Paper Test Format selected, then TIDE recommends an initial order of 25 test booklets for all of the fourth-grade tests


Password Information

Your username is the email address associated with your account in TIDE. When you are added to TIDE, you receive an activation email containing a temporary link to the Reset Your Password page. To activate your account, you must set your password within 15 minutes of the email being sent.

  • If your first temporary link expired:

In the activation email you received, select the second link provided and proceed to request a new temporary link.

  • If you forgot your password:

On the Login page, select Forgot Your Password? and then enter your email address in the Email Address field. You will receive an email with a new temporary link to reset your password.

  • If you did not receive an email containing a temporary link or authentication code:

Check your spam folder to make sure your email program did not categorize it as junk mail. If you still do not have an email, contact your campus or district coordinator to make sure you are listed in TIDE.

  • Additional help:

If you are unable to log in, contact the Texas Testing Support for assistance. You must provide your name and email address. Contact information is available in the User Support section of this user guide.

Printing Records in TIDE

  1. Retrieve the records you want to print by following the procedure in the section Searching for Records in TIDE.

  2. Do one of the following:

    1. To print some records, mark the checkboxes for the records you want to print, select Print button, select My Selected, and then select Print.

    2. To print all records, select Print button, select All, and then select Print.


Searching for Records in TIDE

Many tasks in TIDE require you to retrieve a record or group of records (for example, locating a set of users to work with when performing the View/Edit/Export User task). For such tasks, a search panel appears when you first access the task page (refer to Figure 67). This section explains how to use this search panel and navigate search results.

  1. In the search panel, enter search terms and select values from the available search parameters, as required. Some fields may allow you to select multiple values. For example, the campus and grade dropdown list on the student search pages and discrepancy resolution pages will allow you to select one, multiple, or all values. Similarly, the Test ID dropdown list on the Plan and Manage Testing page will allow you to select one, multiple, or all values.
    The search parameters available in the search panel depend on the record type. Required search parameters are marked with an asterisk.

  2. Optional: If the task page includes an additional search panel, select values to further refine the search results:

    1. To include an additional search criterion in the search, select it and select Add or Add Selected as available.

    2. Optional: To delete an additional search criterion, select it and select Remove Selected. To delete all additional search criteria, select Remove All.

  3. Select Search.

    1. If searching for users, students, students’ test settings, and appeals/score codes, proceed to the next step.

    2. If searching for other types of records, such as rosters, skip to Step 7.

  4. In the search results pop-up window (refer to Figure 68) that indicates the number of records that matched your search criteria and provides you with options to view or export the records or modify your search parameters, do one of the following:

    1. To view the retrieved records on the page, select View Results. Continue to Step 7. This option is not available if TIDE detects that this action might adversely affect its performance.

    2. To export the retrieved results to the Inbox, select Export to Inbox and select the file format (CSV or Excel) in which the data should be exported. You can navigate away from the page and perform other tasks if required. When your file is available for download, you will receive an email to the email account registered in TIDE. After receiving the email, you can download the exported file from the Inbox (refer to Inbox Files).

    3. To return to the page and modify your search criteria, select Modify Search. Repeat Steps 1–3.

  5. The list of retrieved records appears below the search panel (refer to Figure 69).

  6. Optional: To filter the retrieved records by keyword, enter a search term in the text box above the search results and select the Magnifying Glass button. TIDE displays only those records containing the entered value.

  7. Optional: To sort the search results by a given column, select its column header.

    1. To sort the column in descending order, select the column header again.

  8. Optional: If the table of retrieved records is too wide for your browser window, you can select the Left Arrow button and the Right Arrow button at the sides of the table to scroll left and right, respectively.

  9. Optional: If the search results span more than one page, select the Previous Results button or the Next Results button to view previous or next pages, respectively.

  10. Optional: To hide columns, select the Columns Menu button (if available) and uncheck the checkboxes for the columns that you wish to hide. To show columns again, mark the applicable checkboxes.


Figure 67. Sample Search Panel

Figure 68. Sample Search Results Pop-up




Sample list of search results


Searching for Students or Users by ID

A Find Student/User by ID field appears in the upper-right corner of every page in TIDE. You can use this field to navigate to the View and Edit Student or View/Edit User: [User's Name] form for a specified student or user.

  1. In the Find Student/User by ID field, enter a student’s TSDS ID or a user’s email address. The TSDS ID or email address must be an exact match; TIDE does not search by partial TSDS ID or email address.

  2. Select the Magnifying Glass button The View and Edit Student or View/Edit User: [User's Name] form for that student or user appears.

Find Student or User by ID search field

Secure File Center

TIDE offers access to the shared Secure File Center that is integrated with other online assessment systems, such as Reporting, and is accessible from your portal. The Secure File Center serves as a password protected, central repository for secure documents uploaded by administrators (such as state personnel) or shared between users, files exported by users, and hotline alerts. The shared Secure File Center is a temporary safe storage space for files containing the data that you have exported in TIDE and other CAI systems.

When searching for users, students, students’ test settings, test windows, and invalidation requests, you can choose to export the search results to the Secure File Center. When you choose to export search results to the Secure File Center, TIDE sends you an email notification when the export task is completed and the file is available in the Secure File Center for download.

The Secure File Center also lists any secure documents that have been externally uploaded to the Secure File Center and that you have privileges to view.

Viewing Files in the Secure File Center

The files in the Secure File Center are listed in the order in which they were created. The file creation and file expiration dates appear, if applicable. The number of days remaining until a file expires is also displayed next to a file. By default, exported files are available for 30 days while secure documents are available for the period specified by the Texas Education Agency. You can access the Secure File Center from any page in TIDE to either download or archive files you’ve exported. You cannot delete or archive files added by admin users.

NOTE: The Archived file storage does not keep your files long-term. The same expiration period applies for files moved to Archived as for files in the Temporary storage area.

  1. From the TIDE banner (Figure 100), select Secure File Center. The Secure File Center page appears (Figure 112). By default, TIDE displays the View Files tab.

  2. Optional: Select the file view from the available storage areas:

  • Temporary: This is the default view and displays all the files except for the ones that you have archived.

  • Archived: Displays the files that you have placed in this file storage area (files have the same expiration as the Temporary storage

Figure 69. Secure File Center Window
  1. Optional: To filter the files by keyword, enter a search term in the text box above the list of files. TIDE displays only those files containing the entered file name.

  2. Optional: To hide or display system and custom labels, toggle Show Labels.

  3. Do one of the following:

  • To download a file, select the file name.

  • To download multiple files, select the checkboxes and then select Download beside Batch Actions.

To add a new custom label or apply an existing custom label, select the file(s) and then select Label beside Batch Actions at the top.

  • To apply a new custom label, select Create New Label, select Add.

  • To apply a label you just created or an existing custom label, select the checkbox(es), and select Apply Selected Labels.

  1. To archive a file, select the file and then select Archive from Batch Actions or use the matching icon under the Action column for the file. To return a file to the Secure File Center from Archived, select .

  2. To delete a file, select the file and then select Delete from Batch Actions or use the matching icon under the Action column for the file. Secure documents uploaded to the Secure File Center by admin users cannot be deleted.

Sharing Files from the Secure File Center

You can share a file or files from TIDE to individual recipients by email address or to groups of recipients by user role.

  1. From the TIDE banner (Figure 100), select Secure File Center. The Secure File Center page appears (Figure 112). By default, TIDE displays the View Files tab.

  2. Select the Share Files tab. The Share Files page appears.

  3. In the Select Recipients area, do one of the following:

  • Select Role to share a file or files to a group of users by user role (Figure 113).

  • Select Email to share a file or files to a single recipient by email address (Figure 114).

Figure 70. Secure File Center Share Files Tab
Figure 71. Secure File Center Share File Tab for Email

For Roles:

  1. In the Select Role(s) field, select the role group to which you want to share a file or files.

  2. From the dropdown list, select the role(s) to which you want to share a file or files.

  3. From the Location dropdown lists, select organizations that will receive the file(s) you share. These dropdown lists adhere to TIDE’s user role hierarchy. For example, district-level users will be able to filter at their role level and below.

For Email:

  1. Enter the email address(es) of the recipient to whom you wish to share a file or files.

You can enter up to 25 email addresses separated by a comma.

For Both Options:

  1. To select a file or files to share, in the Select File field, select Choose File(s). A file browser appears.

  2. Select the file(s) you wish to share.

  3. You can also drag and drop your files into the Select Files box.

  4. Select Share Files.


Sending Family Portal Access Codes via Email

You can send family portal access codes to families via email. This task requires working with Microsoft Excel.

Generating Access Code Template

To send family portal access codes to families via email, you must first generate an access code template.

  1. From the Family Portal Access task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select Generate Access Code Template. The Generate Access Code Template page appears.

  2. Enter search criteria as required. For more information, see the section Searching for Records in TIDE.

  3. Select Search.

  4. The search results pop-up window appears. Select View Results.

  5. From the list of retrieved students, do one of the following:

    1. Mark the checkbox(es) for the student(s) whose access codes you wish to generate.

    2. Mark the checkbox at the top of the table to generate access codes for all retrieved students.

  6. Select Download Student Access Codes, and then do one of the following:

    1. To export all students in the search results, select Export All to Excel.

    2. To export only selected students, select Export My Selected to Excel.

  7. The template downloads to your computer. Open it and, in the Send Access Code to This Email Address column for each student, enter the email address of the recipient you wish to receive the student’s access code.

  8. Save and close the template.

Emailing Student Access Codes

Before you can send access codes, you must first complete the steps in the section Generating Access Code Template. You will use the template you created and edited to complete the steps below.

  1. From the Family Portal Access task menu on the TIDE dashboard, select Email Student Access Codes. The Email Student Access Codes page appears.

  2. Upload the file you created by following instructions in the section How to add or modify multiple records at once.

  3. To CC yourself on emails sent to families, in the CC me on the access code emails field, select Yes. This is only available if fewer than 50 records are included in the upload file.

Emails received by families will contain a link to a site where families can obtain their student’s access code. These links expire in an amount of time determined by your state. If this link expires, schools will need to send another email to the family with a new link. 

Screenshot of the Generate Access Code Template
Screenshot of the search results for generating an access code
Screenshot of the template for student access codes
Detail of the email options on the student access code page
Screenshot of the window highlighting the validation step



Test Opportunity Status Descriptions

You can view descriptions of each status in the table below when you view reports of test status codes.




The test administrator has approved the student for the session, but the student has not yet started or resumed the test.


The student has submitted the test for scoring. No additional action can be taken by the student.


The test administrator denied the student entry into the session. If the student attempts to enter the session again, this status will change to “Pending” until the test administrator approves or denies the student.


The student’s test has not been completed and cannot be resumed because the test has expired.


The student’s test is currently paused (as a result of one of the following):

  • The student paused his or her test by selecting the Pause button.

  • The student idled for too long (more than 20 minutes) and the test was automatically paused.

  • The test administrator stopped the session the student was testing in.

  • The test administrator paused the individual student’s test.

The student’s browser or computer shut down or crashed.


The student is awaiting test administrator approval for a new test opportunity.


The student’s score for the completed test in TDS has passed the quality assurance review and has been submitted to the CRS.


The test was rescored.


The student has answered all test items and is currently reviewing his or her answers before submitting the test. (A test with a “review” status is not considered complete.)


The test will display a scored status, followed by the student’s score.


The student has started the test and is actively testing.


The test has been submitted for quality assurance review and scoring before it is sent to the CRS.

NOTE: All tests go through an internal scoring process during quality assurance review.


The student is awaiting test administrator approval to resume a testing.


User Role Permissions

Each user in TIDE is assigned at least one user role. Most user roles are district or campus-level. Each user role has an associated list of permissions to access certain features within TIDE. Tasks available to users in TIDE are dependent on the role assigned to the user.

Note: Roles at the same level can have different permissions. For example, Teacher (TE) is a campus level role but has access to less tasks than the campus-level testing coordinator (CTC) role.

The User Role Permissions matrix available in the Resources section of Texas Assessment Program website (TexasAssessment.gov) indicates which users can access specific features and tasks within each CAI system. The corresponding user guide for each system contains complete information about each feature.

User Support

For additional information and assistance in using TIDE, contact Texas Testing Support. Texas Testing Support is open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Central Time) (except holidays or as otherwise indicated on the Texas Assessment Program website).

Texas Testing Support

Toll-Free Phone Support: (833) 601-8821

Please provide the Texas Testing Support with a detailed description of your problem, as well as the following:

  • If the issue pertains to a student, provide the TSDS ID and associated district or campus for that student. Do not provide the student’s name or any personally identifiable information in communications via email.

  • If the issue pertains to a TIDE user, provide the user’s full name and email address.

  • Any error messages that appeared.

  • Operating system and browser information, including version numbers (e.g., Windows 1 or Mac OS 13.16).


Valid Values in the Additional Student Fields Upload File



Valid Value

Agency Code A
Agency Code B

Agency Code C

Agency Code D

Agency Code E

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 Algebra I

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 Biology

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 English I

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 English II

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 Mathematics


STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 Science

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 Social Studies

STAAR/STAAR Alternate 2 U.S. History


TELPAS Alternate


Alternate Student Flag

TELPAS Alternate

STAAR Alternate 2



Economic Disadvantage


1 - Eligible for free meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program

2 - Eligible for reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Program

9 - Other economic disadvantage

0 - Not identified as economically disadvantaged

Emergent Bilingual Indicator Code


1 - Identified as Emergent Bilingual (EB)

F - Monitored 1st Year (M1), reclassified from EB

S - Monitored 2nd Year (M2), reclassified from EB

3 - Monitored 3rd Year (M3), reclassified from EB

4 - Monitored 4th Year (M4), reclassified from EB

5 - Former EB (Post Monitoring)

0 - Non-Emergent Bilingual (Non-EB)

ESL Program Type


2 - English as a second language/content-based

3 - English as a second language/pull-out

0 - Student does not participate in the English as a second language (ESL program)

Extra Day



STAAR Algebra I

STAAR Biology

STAAR English I

STAAR English II

STAAR U.S. History

STAAR Mathematics


STAAR Science

STAAR Social Studies

TELPAS Listening & Speaking

TELPAS Reading & Writing








Local Student ID


Assigned by the campus district.

Other Designated Supports


STAAR Algebra I

STAAR Biology

STAAR English I

STAAR English II

STAAR Mathematics


STAAR Science

STAAR Social Studies

STAAR U.S. History

TELPAS Listening & Speaking

TELPAS Reading & Writing



ID used in the local Student Information System.


Algebra I


English I

English II

U.S. History





STAAR 3-8 Above Grade




Social Studies






STAAR ALT2 Non-Embedded Supports 

Algebra I


English I

English II




Social Studies

U.S. History

Color Or Highlight Images

Color Overlays

Photographs Or Objects Paired With Text

Textured Materials

Demonstrate Concepts

Raise Or Darken Outline

Enlarge Images Or Text


Describe Images

Provide Images Or Text Separately

Cover Or Isolate Images

Picture Representations

Calculator, Manipulatives, Math Tools

Reread Text (Prior To "Find" Statement)

Provide Structured Reminders

Translated Student Material

STAAR Non-Embedded Supports


Algebra I


English I

English II




Social Studies

U.S. History


Algebra I


US History


English II





TELPAS Non-Embedded Supports       

Reading & Writing

Listening & Speaking

Basic Transcribing

Complex Transcribing (R&W only)

Individualized Structured Reminders

Manipulating Test Materials

TELPAS Rater A (Relationship)


1 - Bilingual Education Teacher

2 - ESL Teacher

3 - Elementary General Education Teacher

4 - MS or HS General Ed Teacher of Core Subjects

5 - Special Education Teacher

6 - Gifted and Talented Teacher

7 - Teacher of Enrichment Subjects

8 - Paraprofessional

Test Mode

Algebra I


English I

English II

U.S. History




Social Studies

TELPAS Listening & Speaking

TELPAS Reading & Writing

Algebra I - Online, Paper

Biology - Online, Paper

English I - Online, Paper

English II - Online, Paper

U.S. History - Online, Paper

Mathematics - Online, Paper

RLA - Online, Paper

Science - Online, Paper

Social Studies - Online, Paper

TELPAS Listening & Speaking - Online, Holistic

TELPAS Reading & Writing - Online, Paper & Holistic

Title 1 Part A


6 - Student attends campus with school wide program

7 - Student participates in program at targeted assistance school

8 - Student is previous participant in program at targeted assistance school (not a current participant)

9 - Student does not attend a Title I, Part A school but receives Title I, Part A services because the student is homeless

0 - Student does not currently participate in and has not previously participated in program at current campus

Years in U.S. Schools


1 - First enrolled in U.S. schools during part or all of the current school year

2 - Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for all or part(s) of 2 school years

3 - Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for all or part(s) of 3 school years

4 - Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for all or part(s) of 4 school years

5 - Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for all or part(s) of 5 school years

6 - Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for all or part(s) of 6 or more school years


Valid Values for Tool Names in the Test Attributes Upload File

NOTE: This information is also available from Data File Layouts available on the Technology Resources section of the Texas Assessment Program website (TexasAssessment.gov).

Tool Name

Valid Value

Default Value

Applies To


American Sign Language (ASL) Videos


Do not show ASL videos

Show ASL videos


Do not show ASL videos

Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History


Auto Text-to-Speech






Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History

Content and Language Supports






Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History


Permissive Mode






Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History, TELPAS Reading & Writing









**Reading, Mathematics and Science only

*RLA, English I, English II, Social Studies, U.S. History, and TELPAS Reading & Writing only



Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History, TELPAS Reading & Writing







Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History, TELPAS Reading & Writing


Spelling Assistance






RLA, English I, English II







Mathematics, RLA, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, U.S. History


Basic TI Calculator





Mathematics, Science

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