Student Labels

Student Labels

After the administration, an electronic student label is provided for each student for whom an assessment record was submitted. Student labels are confidential and must be added to the student’s academic achievement record.

This page contains descriptions of the contents of student labels for all state-mandated assessments. The following information is provided on all student labels:

  • Identification Information

    Identification information shown at the top of the label includes the student’s name, TSDS ID, birth date, and grade; the district number and name; and the campus number and name.

  • Test Date

    The date of the test administration is provided.

For STAAR grades 3–8 assessments, the label shows the student’s performance level and scale score in each subject, per grade. For STAAR EOC assessments, the label shows the student’s most recent performance status or the date when the student passed for each course tested.

In addition to the identification information and test date, student labels for STAAR include the following information for each assessment taken:

  • Info

    This area of the student label indicates if the student took a specific version (e.g., online with embedded supports, paper with or without embedded supports, Spanish) of the assessment. Version information is indicated by one or two characters, and the description of the characters used is also indicated on the label.

STAAR Confidential Student Label.png
  • Scale Score

    The scale score the student earned is shown. A report message might appear in place of the scale score. Refer to the STAAR Report Messages information on the Student Report Cards page.

    • Performance Level

      The performance level the student achieved is shown. Refer to the STAAR Performance Standards webpage for more information, including the minimum scale scores for each performance level.

For STAAR Alternate 2, the label shows the student’s performance level and scale score for each grade/subject or course assessment taken that school year.

In addition to the identification information and test date, student labels for STAAR Alternate 2 include the following information for each assessment taken:

  • Scale Score

    The scale score the student earned is shown. A report message might appear in place of the scale score. Refer to the STAAR Alternate 2 Report Messages information on the Student Report Cards page.

STAAR Alternate 2 Confidential Student Label.png
  • Level II and Level III

    • If the student achieved Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance, “YES” is shown. If the student did not achieve Level II, “NO” is shown.

    • If the student achieved Level III: Accomplished Academic Performance, “YES” is shown. If the student did not achieve Level III, “NO” is shown.

Refer to the STAAR Alternate 2 Performance Standards webpage for more information, including the minimum scale scores for each performance level.


For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, the label shows the student’s proficiency rating in each of the four language domains assessed and the composite rating for the current and previous year.

In addition to the identification information and test date, student labels for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate include the following information for each language domain:

  • Language Area

    This area of the student label lists the four domains assessed: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For TELPAS this area also indicates if the student was assessed with a specific version (e.g., paper, holistic) of the assessment. Version information is indicated by one character, and the description of the characters used is also indicated on the label.

  • Proficiency Rating

    The proficiency level the student achieved is shown. A report message might appear in place of the proficiency rating. Refer to the TELPAS Report Messages and TELPAS Alternate Report Messages information on the Student Report Cards page. Refer to the TELPAS Proficiency Standards and TELPAS Alternate Proficiency Standards webpage for more information, including the range of scale scores for each proficiency level.

  • Composite Rating

    The label indicates the composite rating the student achieved in the current and previous year.

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