Additional STAAR Reports
Item Analysis Summary Reports
Item analysis summary reports are available only for the spring administration of STAAR. This report indicates the percentage of students at the state, district, and campus levels who answered each question correctly. STAAR Spanish reports are provided separately.
The following information is provided on the item analysis summary report:
Identification Information
The top of the report contains identification information for the district and campus. The grade and subject or course assessed, report date, and date of testing are also indicated.
Number of Students Tested
The number of students assessed at the state, district, and campus levels is indicated.
All Items
In this section of the report, all questions on the assessment, including multi-point questions, are listed. The number of the reporting category measured by each test question is indicated. An abbreviated list of reporting categories can be found on the summary report. The percentage of students who answered each one-point question correctly at the state, district, and campus levels is indicated.
Multi-Point Items
In this section of the report, each multi-point question on the assessment is listed based on its position in the assessment. For these questions, the number of the reporting category measured by each question, the number of points earned out of the total number of points possible, and the percentage of students at the state, district, and campus levels who earned that number of points are indicated.
Refer to the STAAR Resources webpage for more information on reporting categories, writing rubrics, and scoring guides.
Student Extended Constructed-Response Reports
This confidential report contains student responses to extended constructed-response questions for the spring administration of STAAR RLA assessments.
Student Identification Information
The student’s name, TSDS ID, and local student ID are indicated. For confidentiality, the student’s TSDS ID is indicated by six asterisks followed by the last four digits of the ID number.
District and Campus Identification Information
The district and campus are identified.
Assessment Information
The report date, date of testing, and grade or course are indicated.
Writing Score
The total number of points the student earned for the response is indicated. Possible points are as follows:
0 = Nonscorable or Unsuccessful
1 = Ineffective
2 = Not Developed
3 = Between Not Developed and Limited
4 = Limited
5 = Between Limited and Partially Developed
6 = Partially Developed
7 = Between Partially Developed and Effective
8 = Effective
9 = Between Effective and Fully Developed
10 = Fully Developed
Extended Constructed Response
An image of the student’s constructed response is shown. A report message might appear in place of the student’s response. Refer to the STAAR Report Messages information on the Student Report Cards page.