Summary Reports

Summary Reports

A summary report is available for each grade and subject, course, and language domain assessed at each campus and in each district. The summary reports contain aggregate information for every student for whom an assessment record was submitted.

This page contains descriptions of the contents of the summary reports for all state-mandated assessments. The following information is provided on all summary reports:

  • Identification Information

    The top of the report contains identification information for the district and campus. The report date, date of testing, and specific assessments included on the report are also indicated.

  • Administration Summary

    This section of the report lists the number and percentage of students who were assessed or rated, the number and percentage of students who were not assessed or rated, and the total number of test records.

  • Legend

    A list of abbreviations and symbols are defined in the legend area and in the footnotes.

  • Demographic and Program Information

    This section of the report indicates the number of students tested for each demographic group and program category listed. Results for students for whom no demographic or program information was available are included in the “No Information Provided” category.

For STAAR grades 3–5 assessments, separate summary reports are provided for students who took the English version of the assessment and students who took the Spanish version, as well as a combined summary report that includes results for both English and Spanish versions. For STAAR EOC assessments, separate summary reports are provided for first-time tested students and for retested students, as well as a combined summary report that includes results for all students tested.

Summary reports for STAAR and STAAR Alternate 2 include the following information for each assessment:

  • Average Scale Score

    For STAAR, the average scale score is indicated for each demographic group and program category listed.

  • Performance Level

    The numbers and percentages of students who achieved each performance level shown on the report are indicated for each demographic group and program category listed.

  • Results for Each Reporting Category

    For STAAR, the average number and the percentage of points earned are indicated for each reporting category.

Sample STAAR Summary Report


In addition to the information described above for all summary reports, summary reports for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate include the following information for each grade:

  • Proficiency Level

    The percentages of students who achieved each proficiency level shown on the report are indicated for each demographic group and program category listed for each domain.

  • Composite Rating

    This section of the report indicates the number of students who received a composite rating, the percentages of students who received a composite rating at each proficiency level, and the average composite score for each demographic group and program category listed.

  • Yearly Progress

    This section of the report indicates the numbers and percentages of students whose composite rating progressed at the rate shown for each demographic group and program category listed.

TELPAS Summary Report.png



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