Testing with Assistive Technology for Braille Tests

Braille tests administered in TDS require multiple assistive technology devices and applications, including the refreshable braille displays (RBDs) and JAWS screen readers which allow students to read and navigate test content and the embossers used by proctors to print test content.

RBDs are used to read text-only content on STAAR tests, while braille embossers are needed to read any content with images on RLA and social sciences tests, as well as advanced content on mathematics and science tests. RBDs must be properly set up before students can use them. For information about installing and setting up RBDs, refer to the product’s provided instructions and manuals.

TDS includes several embedded tools that facilitate braille testing, such as braille presentation settings, various print tools for embossing content, and Streamlined Mode, which arranges test content vertically.

Note: Alt text for the images in items and stimuli is consistently available only when the test presentation is set to Braille.

The table below provides a list of supported screen reader software that students can use in TDS. Please note that only JAWS may be used on RLA tests, as this is the only supported screen reader that can effectively mute reading passages. Screen readers other than JAWS must not be used on RLA tests, as they would allow students to listen to passages instead of reading them, compromising the ability to assess their reading comprehension skills.

Screen Readers Supported for Student Computers

Screen Reader

System Requirements

Additional Details


  • Supported Versions: 2021, 2022, 2023

  • Operating Systems: Windows 8.1, 10, 11

    • Minimum Requirements: GHz Processor, RAM

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions).

  • Test Presentation setting must be set to braille, regardless of the student’s braille user status.


  • Supported Versions: 2021, 2022, 2023

  • Operating Systems: Windows 8, 8.1, 10

    • Minimum Requirements: 2.0 GHz i3 dual core processor, 4 GB RAM

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Configuration instructions for JAWS).

  • Test Presentation setting must be set to braille, regardless of the student’s braille user status.

Windows Narrator

  • Supported Version: Windows 10

Windows 10

  • Students cannot use Windows Narrator for RLA tests, as the read-aloud of passages cannot be suppressed in this product.


  • Supported Versions: 2020–2022

Windows 8.1, 10, 11, and all server operating systems starting from Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Students cannot use NVDA for RLA tests, as the read-aloud of passages cannot be suppressed in this product.

The table below provides a list of supported refreshable RBDs that students can use to read braille content. Please note that if students wish to use RBDs not mentioned in this table, they should test them on a practice test to ensure that there are no issues before using them on an operational test. Additionally, RBDs not listed here may include unwanted features that students should not use while testing, so students may need to be monitored if they use such RBDs.

Refreshable Braille Displays Supported for Student Computers

Refreshable Braille Displays

System Requirements

Additional Details

Brailliant 40 Cell

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • CAI recommends RBDs with at least 40 cells, but students may use displays with fewer cells if preferred.

  • Students should not use the HumanWare Brailliant BI 14 RBD. It can automatically synchronize notes typed internally with a mail application, potentially violating test security.

QBraille XL

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • Students using the QBraille XL in TDS must be monitored to ensure that they are not accessing unwanted internal applications, such as the Calculator and Notepad.

Active Braille

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • The device is equipped with an Secure Digital (SD) card that should be taken out before the student takes a test.

  • The device has Notepad, Scheduler, Alarm, Calculator, and Clock features that cannot be disabled. Students must be monitored to ensure that they are not using them

Braille Edge 40 (now discontinued)

  • Windows 8.1, 10

  • The device is equipped with an SD card that should be taken out before the student takes a test.

  • The device has Notepad, Scheduler, Alarm, Calculator, Stopwatch, Countdown Timer, and Clock features that cannot be disabled. Students must be monitored to ensure that they are not using them.

  • This product is no longer sold by HIMS. However, students may continue to test with it if it is already available for their use

Focus 40 Blue 5th Generation

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • The device is equipped with an SD card that should be taken out before the student takes a test.

  • The device has Scratchpad with BRF Bookreader, Calendar, and Clock features that cannot be disabled. Students must be monitored to ensure that they are not using them.

BrailleNote Touch 32 Plus

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • Students using this product in TDS must be monitored to ensure that they are not accessing prohibited features. Students can use this device only in Braille Terminal Mode. They cannot take tests on the tablet of this device.

  • The device is equipped with an SD card that should be taken out before the student takes a test.

  • Other applications present include Word Processor, Email, Internet, Contacts, Planner, File Manager, Calculator, Victor-Reader, Play Store, and KNFB Reader.

The below table provides a list of embossers and embossing software supported for test administrator computers. Embossers must be used to print any test content that cannot be read by RBDs, including all content on mathematics and science tests, and some of the content on RLA and social sciences tests. Different embossing software is required for printing 2.  Printer Output File (PRN) and Braille Ready File (BRF) file types. The printed file types depend on the content being embossed.

Embossers and Embossing Software Supported for Test Administrator Computers

Embosser / Embossing Software

System Requirements

Additional Details

Duxbury Braille Translator

  • Supported Versions: 12.1, 12.2, 12.5 or 12.6

  • Operating Systems: Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • Minimum Requirements: 1 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM (for 32-bit), 2 GB RAM (for 64-bit)

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions).

  • Used for embossing BRF files (from print requests containing only text or formatted tables).

ViewPlus Max Embosser, ViewPlus Premier Embosser,

ViewPlus Columbia Embosser, or ViewPlus Columbia 2 Embosser


  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions).

  • Used for embossing PRN files (from print requests with tactile or spatial components, such as images).

PRN files are formatted for a specific printer driver (e.g., Max embosser). Thus, you may need to convert the PRN file in Tiger Designer for use with another supported embosser (see PRN conversion instructions for more details).

ViewPlus Desktop Embosser (driver for ViewPlus Embossers and Tiger Viewer Software)

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • Download and install your embosser driver prior to embossing any files.

  • The Tiger Viewer software is downloaded in the printer driver folder.

Tiger Software Suite (Tiger Designer)

  • Supported Versions: Supported Versions: 6, 7, 8

  • Windows 8.1, 10, 11

  • You should download Tiger Designer prior to testing, as some PRN files will need to be converted in this program before embossing.

  • Please see PRN conversion instructions for more details.

  • Tiger Software Suite is included with all ViewPlus embossers and its license can be used on up to two devices.

Specifications for Test Administrators Using Screen Readers

If test administrators require a screen reader (e.g., JAWS, NVDA) to set up or administer test sessions in the Test Administrator Site, CAI recommends they do so using the most recent Firefox or Chrome browser. If issues occur while updating browsers, please contact your network administrator/IT office.

Configuring JAWS to Recognize the Secure Browser

You must edit the JAWS configuration file so that the software recognizes the secure browser application. The examples below are for JAWS 2021 installed to the default location. If your version is installed to a different location, navigate to the appropriate directory.

  1. To modify the configuration file, open the JAWS ConfigNames.ini file. This file may appear in two folders. Depending on how JAWS is installed on your computer, you may need to modify both files:

    1. Required Folder: Start > All Programs > JAWS 2021 > Explore JAWS > Explore Shared Settings

    2. Optional Folder: Start > All Programs > JAWS 2021 > Explore JAWS > Explore My Settings

  2. In the ConfigNames.ini file, locate the line of text containing firefox:3=firefox. At the end of this line, press Enter and type TXSecureBrowser16=firefox

  3. Save the file.

    1. If you receive an error that you do not have permission to save the .ini file to this location, save the file to your desktop asConfigNames.ini. Then copy the updated .ini file to the folder containing the original .ini file referenced in Step 1.

Optional: To confirm that JAWS has been properly configured, you can open the Secure Browser while JAWS is running. Then press hold down Insert (or the JAWS key) while pressing Q twice. A message opens in a pop-up window, indicating that Secure Browser settings are being used in the TexasSecureBrowser.exe application, and that the configuration name is CAI Testing.

Registering AccessibleHandler.dll

To ensure that JAWS works properly with the Secure Browser, you should register AccessibleHandler.dll on the student’s testing device. These steps should be performed for all supported versions of JAWS.

  1. From the Start menu, search for File Explorer, then select Enter on the keyboard. After the File Explorer or Home window populates, navigate to the left-hand panel, then select Local Disk (C:) or Windows (C:) under This PC.

  2. Open the Program Files folder, then locate the downloaded Secure Browser folder: TexasSecureBrowser.

  3. Find the Windows Batch File Type with the name RegisterAccessibilityLibs.

  4. Right click on the RegisterAccessibilityLibs.bat file and select Run as Administrator. If you are prompted to choose between Yes and No in a pop-up box, choose Yes.

  5. A command prompt window appears briefly with a message confirming successful registration.

  6. A message appears indicating that the action was successful. Press OK on this prompt and the command window automatically closes.

Applying Settings for Contracted or Uncontracted Braille

In order for students to use contracted or uncontracted literary braille with their RBD, the correct JAWS settings must be applied prior to launching the secure browser application.

  1. To apply the correct JAWS settings, open JAWS and go to Utilities > Settings Center. The Settings Center window opens.

  2. From the Application dropdown list at the top of the window, select Firefox.

  3. Expand the Braille settings, General sub-settings, and Translation sub-settings in the Search for settings panel on the left. The Settings Center window displays the options for Braille Translation (see Figure 3).

    1. In the Translation section, verify that the Language dropdown list is set to English – United States. For a student who prefers contracted braille, select Unified English Braille Grade 2 from the Output and Input dropdown lists. For a student who prefers uncontracted braille, select Unified English Braille Grade 1 from the Output dropdown list.

    2. For tests presented in the EBAE braille type, if a student prefers contracted braille, select US English Grade 2 from the Output and Input dropdown lists. If a student prefers uncontracted braille, select US English Braille Grade 1 from these dropdown lists.

  4. In the Braille Mode section (see Figure 4), ensure that only the following settings are checked:

    1. Active cursor follows Braille display

    2. Braille display follows Active cursor

    3. Enable Word Wrap

    4. Auto Detect Braille Display using Bluetooth (if available)

  5. Click Apply, and then click OK.


Configuring JAWS to Speak “Dollars”

You should configure JAWS to correctly speak the dollar symbol ($), in case it appears in the test content.

  1. Open JAWS and go to Utilities > Settings Center. The Settings Center window opens.

  2. In the Search for settings panel on the left, expand the Text Processing settings and Number And Date Processing sub-settings. Click Speak Dollars. The Settings Center window displays the Number And Date Processing options (refer to Figure 5).

  3. Mark the Speak Dollars checkbox.

  4. Click Apply, and then click OK.


Configuring Embossing Software on Test Administrator Computers Before Testing Begins

TDS allows students to emboss test material with test administrator approval. The software that sends print requests to the braille embosser must be installed on computers that test administrators use for test sessions.

The embossed output for student print requests depends on the file type associated with a test question. Test administrators must ensure that students have the Braille Type test setting prior to approving the students for testing, as this determines which file type is used for printing. There are two types of files:

  1. Braille Ready File (BRF): BRF file types are used for print requests containing only text (including formatted tables). The Duxbury Braille Translator software handles BRF files.

  2. Printer Output File (PRN): PRN file types are used for print requests containing tactile or spatial components (such as images). The ViewPlus software handles PRN files.

Upon approving a print request, the test administrator sends the file to the embosser using either Duxbury or ViewPlus software. Instructions for embossing files are located in the section Embossing Braille Print Requests for BRF and PRN Files.

Configuring Duxbury Braille Translator for BRF Files

This section contains instructions for opening BRF files with Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT) and setting default embossing preferences. The DBT software must be installed before performing the following tasks:

  1. In the Test Administrator Site, click Help Guide at the top of the page. The online TA User Guide opens.

    1. Sample braille files can be accessed from the Help Guide > Appendices > Sample Braille Files.

  2. Click Sample BRF File. The file dialog window opens.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:

    1. From the Open with dropdown list, select Duxbury Braille Translator. Click OK. The DBT program opens and previews the file (see Figure 7).

    2. If the DBT is not available as a selectable program, perform the following tasks (otherwise skip to Step 4):

      1. Click Browse. The Choose Helper Application window opens.

      2. Navigate to the Duxbury folder and open it.

      3. Open the DBT folder and select dbtw.exe.

      4. In the Open with window, select Duxbury Braille Translator and mark the Do this automatically for files like this from now on checkbox.

      5. Click OK. The DBT program opens and previews the file (see Figure 7).

        • §  If the Import File window appears, set the Template to either English (American) – Standard Literary Format (for Duxbury 11.2 or earlier) or English (UEB) – basic (for Duxbury 11.3 or later), and set the Import Filter to Formatted Braille.

  4. In the Duxbury Braille Translator window, go to Global > Embosser Setup. The Global: Embosser Setup window appears. To add a new embosser, perform the following tasks:

    1. Click New. The Embosser Setup – Untitled Configuration window appears.

    2. From the Embosser Model dropdown list, select the required embosser type.

    3. From the Send to Printer dropdown list, select the required embosser’s name and click OK.

    4. In the Global: Embosser Setup window, click OK.

  5. In the Duxbury Braille Translator window, go to Document > Embosser Setup. The Document: Embosser Setup window opens (see Figure 8).

  6. In the Document: Embosser Setup window, ensure that the following are selected:

    1. Brailler Device: ViewPlus Max (or whichever supported ViewPlus embosser you are using)

    2. The following Braille Document Formatting options must be set:

      1. §  Emboss in Interpoint checkbox is blank

      2. §  Top margin in lines: 2

      3. §  Binding margin in characters: 5

    3. When you are done, click OK.

  7. In the Duxbury Braille Translator window, go to Global > Formatted Braille Importer.

    1. In the Global: Formatted Braille Importer window that appears, mark the Read formatted Braille without interpretation checkbox and click OK.

  8. In the Duxbury Braille Translator window, go to File > Emboss. The File: Emboss… window opens.

  9. In the File: Emboss…window, ensure that only one copy is being printed and that the page range is set to All.

  10. Click OK.



Configuring ViewPlus Tiger Designer or Tiger Viewer for PRN Files

This section contains instructions for opening PRN files with ViewPlus software and setting default application preferences.

Although you may use Tiger Viewer as the default application for opening PRN files, if you use it alongside an embosser other than the ViewPlus Max or Premier, you may need to convert the files for your embosser type before printing. Because of this, CAI strongly recommends using Tiger Designer as the default application for embossing PRN files.

  1. In the Test Administrator Site, click Help Guide at the top of the page. The online Test Administrator User Guide opens.

    1. Sample braille files can be accessed from the Help Guide - Appendices - Sample Braille Files.

  2. Click Sample PRN File. The file dialog window opens.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:

    1. To set Tiger Designer as the default application (recommended):

      1. From the Open with dropdown list, select Tiger Designer and click OK. The Tiger Designer program opens and previews the file (see Figure 9).

      2. If Tiger Designer is not available as a selectable program, click Browse and select Tiger Designer from the folder where it is installed on your computer. Mark the Do this automatically for files like this from now on checkbox and click OK.

    2. To set Tiger Viewer as the default application:

      1. From the Open with dropdown list, select Tiger Viewer and click OK. The Tiger Viewer program opens and previews the file.

      2. If Tiger Viewer is not available as a selectable program, click Browse and select Tiger Viewer from the folder where it is installed on your computer. Mark the Do this automatically for files like this from now on checkbox and click OK.

      3. Go to File > Print. The Print window opens.

      4. Ensure that the printer is set to ViewPlus Max (or whichever supported ViewPlus embosser you are using) and that only one copy is being printed.

      5. Click Print.

      6. If you experience any issues embossing, refer to the section Converting PRN Files in Tiger Designer for Embossing or contact the Help Desk.



Administering Braille Tests

This section explains how test administrators set up the test settings for braille tests and emboss braille print requests from students. It also provides information about how students navigate the secure browser application with JAWS.

Setting Up Braille Test Sessions

Test administrators must ensure that students have the correct test settings applied before approving them to take braille tests. Any test settings that cannot be changed from the Test Administrator Site or secure browser application will need to be set in TIDE. Please note that some test settings may vary between practice and operational tests.

For more detailed instructions about starting test sessions, refer to the Test Administrator User Guide.

  1. To administer braille tests, the test administrator logs in to the appropriate Test Administrator Site and starts a test session.

  2. The test administrator opens JAWS on the student testing devices.

  3. The test administrator opens the secure browser application on the student testing devices.

  4. Students sign in to the test session and select their tests.

  5. The test administrator reviews the student’s test settings and verifies the following:

    1. Presentation is set to Braille. This should be set for any students testing with JAWS, regardless of whether those students are braille users. Setting the Presentation to Braille will automatically enable Streamlined Mode, which arranges test content vertically.

    2. Print on Request is set to the appropriate option for the selected test.

    3. Braille Type is set to the student’s preferred braille option.

    4. Emboss Request Type is set to Auto-Request or On-Request, depending on the rules for the selected test.

    5. Mute System Volume is set to the appropriate option for the student and the screen reader that the student is using. This setting prevents JAWS from reading aloud passages on RLA tests.

    6. Audio Transcriptions is set to the appropriate option for the student. When this tool is enabled, any audio content in the test will have an associated transcript in the global menu that can be read by the student’s RBD.

    7. Permissive Mode is turned on. This setting must be enabled in order for students to use the keyboard commands associated with JAWS.

  6. When all the correct settings are applied, the test administrator approves students for testing.

Embossing Braille Print Requests for BRF and PRN Files

This section provides instructions for test administrators who will emboss BRF and PRN files during a test session. As students progress through their tests, emboss requests are sent to the Test Administrator Site, either automatically or manually, depending on the test settings. You must review and approve these emboss requests in order to send the files to the embossers. BRF files may be embossed with DBT. PRN files may be embossed with either Tiger Designer or Tiger Viewer. However, Tiger Designer is the recommended embosser, as it also allows you to convert file types if necessary.

When the test session is over, you must delete and discard all test materials. This may require you to remove files from the web browser download archive.

For tips and troubleshooting advice for embossing braille files, see Appendix A.

Sending BRF Files to the Embosser

BRF files must be embossed with DBT. For information about setting up DBT prior to testing, see the section Configuring Duxbury Braille Translator for BRF Files.

  1. When you approve a print request for a BRF file, either open the file directly from the browser or save it and open it in DBT. See Appendix A for more information about saving and opening print requests.

    1. If you opened the file directly from your browser and DBT is the default application for printing BRF files, the Import File window appears (see Figure 10). If not, launch DBT and then select File > Open to select the downloaded BRF file.

  2. Ensure that the following settings are selected:

    1. Template:

      1. For Duxbury 11.2 or earlier: English (American) – Standard Literary Format

      2. For Duxbury 11.3 or later: English (UEB) – basic

    2. Import Filter: Formatted braille

  3. Click OK. The Duxbury Braille Translator preview window opens (see Figure 13)

  4. Go to File > Emboss. The File: Emboss window opens.

  5. Ensure that only one copy is being printed, the page range is set to All, and the Brailler Device is set to ViewPlus Max (or other ViewPlus embosser). Then click OK.



Sending PRN Files to the Embosser with Tiger Designer

Tiger Designer is the recommended software for embossing PRN files. For information about setting up Tiger Designer prior to testing, see the section Configuring ViewPlus Tiger Designer or Tiger Viewer for PRN Files.

  1. When you approve a print request for a PRN file, either open the file directly from the browser or save it and open it in Tiger Designer. See Appendix A for more information about saving and opening print requests.

    1. If you opened the file directly from your browser and Tiger Designer is set as the default program for PRN files, a Print window should appear automatically. If not, launch Tiger Designer and select File > Print to select the downloaded PRN file.

  2. Ensure that only one copy is being printed and the Printer Name is set to ViewPlus Max (or whichever supported ViewPlus embosser you are using), then click Print.


Sending PRN Files to the Embosser with Tiger Viewer

You can also emboss PRN file print requests in Tiger Viewer. However, if the print option is grayed out when printing a file, you cannot convert the file with Tiger Viewer. PRN files can only be converted in Tiger Designer. For information about setting up Tiger Viewer prior to testing, see the section Configuring ViewPlus Tiger Designer or Tiger Viewer for PRN Files.

  1. When you approve a print request for a PRN file, either open the file directly from the browser or save it and open it in Tiger Viewer. See Appendix A for more information about saving and opening print requests.

    1. If you opened the file directly from your browser and Tiger Viewer is the default application for printing PRN files, the

      Print PRN File window appears. If not, launch Tiger Viewer and then select File > Print File to select the downloaded PRN file.

  2. Ensure that only one copy is being printed and that the Printer Name field is set to the embosser that you will be using to emboss the braille files. Then click Print.

    1. If the option to Print is grayed out, you will need to convert the file in Tiger Designer.


Converting PRN Files in Tiger Designer for Embossing

If you are using an embosser other than ViewPlus Max or Premier, you may encounter PRN embossing issues that cause the Tiger Viewer Print PRN File window or the Tiger Designer Print window to appear grayed out. In most cases, you can use the following steps to resolve this issue. If these steps do not work, please consult the Help Desk.

  1. Launch Tiger Designer.

  2. Go to File > Open. Then select the file that is not embossing properly and click Open.

    • You may need to use the dropdown above the Open button to change the file type to Tiger PRN files (*.prn) before you open it.

  3. Some improperly formatted PRN types will trigger the message shown in Figure 13.

    • If this pop-up message appears, click Yes.

    • o   If this pop-up message does not appear, navigate to File > Save As. Choose the destination where you wish to save the file, and then select Viewplus Cub/Max PRN files (*.prn) from the Save as Type dropdown (see Figure 14).

  4. Exit Tiger Designer, then reopen the newly saved PRN file in Tiger Designer.

  5. In the top toolbar, select File > Print.

    • A Print window appears. Ensure that only one copy is being printed and the Printer Name is set to ViewPlus Max (or whichever supported ViewPlus embosser you are using), then click Print.


Removing Files from the Web Browser Download Archive

Most supported web browsers automatically save downloaded files. If your computer saves the BRF and PRN files from print requests, for security purposes, you must delete all test-related files from your browser’s download archive.

To remove files in Google Chrome:

  1. Open the Chrome menu icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Select Downloads. The Downloads page opens.

  3. Remove all test-related files by performing one of the following tasks:

    1. For each file, click X.

    2. Click Clear all in the upper-right corner. Files saved to your computer are not deleted.

To remove files in Edge:

  1. Click the Edge Hub (favorites, reading list, bookmarks, and downloads)  icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Select Downloads from within the downloads list.

  3. Select each file and click X to delete it.

To remove files in Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open the Tools menu and select Downloads. The Library window opens.

  2. Delete all test-related files by performing one of the following tasks:

    1. Select each file and press Delete on your keyboard.

    2. Click Clear Downloads at the top of the window (if available). Files saved to your computer are not deleted.

Navigating the Student Testing Site with JAWS

JAWS allows students to use keyboard commands to navigate through the Student Testing Site. The actions associated with each JAWS keyboard command depend on the context in which the student presses the key. In other words, the same key may have different effects depending on whether the student is on the sign-in pages, the test pages, or within the items and stimuli of the test pages.

Note: The Tab key is best used to move among elements such as buttons, text boxes, etc.

Use Forms Mode to navigate within an element, such as a listbox which allows multi-selection of options in the list. Forms Mode should either be activated automatically when focus is brought to that element using Tab or by pressing Enter on the element. The arrow keys should then be used. To exit Forms Mode, press Esc or NUM PAD PLUS and use the arrow keys. This allows a page to be read in detail, including plain text such as test questions.

The below table provides an overview of how to use JAWS keyboard commands in each context. In order for students to use these keyboard commands, Permissive Mode must be enabled for them in TDS. If JAWS enters Forms Mode, these keyboard commands may not work. In order to exit Forms Mode, press NUM PAD PLUS or ESC.

Overview of JAWS Keyboard Commands in the Student Testing Site



Navigating the Sign-in Pages with JAWS Keyboard Commands

Insert + F10 (standard keyboard)

Space + S (Perkins braille keyboard)

Returns the focus to the secure browser application if the student navigates to the JAWS application window while signing in.

Keyboard layouts may vary by device. Please refer to the manual provided by the device manufacturer for more information.


Moves the focus to the next field or button on the page.

Shift + Tab

Moves the focus to the previous field or button on the page.

Down Arrow

Reads the next line on the page.

Up Arrow

Reads the previous line on the page.


Selects the button that is currently in focus.

Navigating Test Pages with JAWS Keyboard Commands


Navigates to the next landmark region on the test page. A test page has up to three primary landmark regions:

  1. Banner Region: The banner contains the test information row. This row displays the current question numbers, test name, student name, Test Settings button, Pause button, and Help button.

  2. Navigation and Test Tools Region: This region displays the navigation and tool buttons.

  3. Test Content Region: This region consists of the Stimulus section and the Question section:

    • Stimulus Section: Contains the stimulus title, stimulus context menu, and stimulus content.

    • Question Section: Contains a question number, question labels (labels that appear when you mark a question for review, print a question, or enter a note for a question), question context menu, question prompt, and the response area.


Jumps to the next heading on the page.

In general, the following test components are defined with a heading:

  • Test name (H1)

  • Student name (H2)

  • Passage title (H3)

  • Question number (H3)

On test pages that have multiple questions, students can jump directly from one question to the next. To do so, press H and then press the Down arrow twice. The question prompt is read aloud.

Shift + R

Jumps to the previous region on the page.

Shift + H

Jumps to the previous heading on the page.


Moves to the next component on the page. In general, the following test elements are components:

  • Navigation and tool buttons

  • Question number (and associated prompt text)

  • Context menu

  • Response options

Shift + Tab

Moves to the previous component on the page.


Selects a button or response option or opens a context menu.

Down Arrow

Moves to the next line on the page.

Up Arrow

Moves to the previous line on the page.

Insert + Down Arrow

Reads everything on the page (from the current point of focus).


Stops JAWS from reading.

Opening and Using Context Menus with JAWS Keyboard Commands


Pressing Enter when JAWS reads “Menu button” will open the context menu. This is the only way to open the context menu when Streamlined Mode is turned on.

Down Arrow

Moves the focus to the next option in the menu. JAWS will read this option aloud.

Up Arrow

Moves the focus to the previous option in the menu. JAWS will read this option aloud.


Selects the menu option currently in focus.


Closes the context menu without selecting any options.

Responding to Questions with JAWS Keyboard Commands


  • Students can use the Tab key to navigate to the question prompt, which JAWS will read aloud.

  • After JAWS reads the prompt aloud, students can press Tab again to navigate to the response area. They may need to press Tab multiple times depending on the question type and whether any question labels appear for the question.

  • In the response area for a question, students can press Tab to navigate between each answer option, text box, selectable text field, keypad button, or checkbox, depending on the question type.

Shift + Tab

Navigates to the previous answer option, text box, selectable text field, keypad button, or checkbox, depending on the question type.

Up and Down Arrow Keys

  • For multiple-choice and multi-select questions, pressing the arrow keys will move between each answer option.

  • For edit task choice questions, pressing the arrow keys will move between each line of text in the question. After users open an edit menu by pressing Space, the arrow keys can be used to move between the answer options in the dropdown list.


  • For multiple-choice and multi-select questions, pressing Space will select the answer option in focus.

  • For edit task questions, pressing Space will open the edit menu in which students type or select a response.

  • For table match questions, pressing Space will mark the checkbox in focus


  • For hot-text questions, pressing Enter will choose the selectable text area in focus as the answer option.

  • For edit task choice questions, pressing Enter will select an answer option from the dropdown list in the edit menu.

  • For equation questions, pressing Enter will select the keypad button in focus.

Alt + 7

  • For equation questions, pressing Alt + 7 will open a pop-up menu with special characters. Students can use the arrow keys to move between the special characters in the list and then press Enter to insert a special character in the response area.

Please note that the keypad of the Desmos calculator tool in the Student Testing Site cannot be navigated entirely with the Tab key. However, all buttons within the keypad can be navigated or selected using JAWS or Desmos keyboard commands. For a list of Desmos keyboard commands, refer to https://www.desmos.com/graphingshortcuts.