Overview of Testing with Assistive Technology

Overview of Testing with Assistive Technology

This manual provides an overview of the embedded and non-embedded assistive technology tools that can help students with accessibility needs complete online tests in the Test Delivery System (TDS). It includes lists of supported devices and applications for each type of assistive technology that students may need, as well as setup instructions for the assistive technologies that require additional configuration in order to work with TDS. Embedded assistive technology tools include the built-in test tools in TDS, such as text-to-speech (TTS). These tools can be accessed without third-party software or hardware and do not require Permissive Mode to be turned on in TDS.

  • Embedded assistive technology tools include the built-in test tools in TDS, such as TTS. These tools can be accessed without third-party software or hardware and do not require Permissive Mode to be turned on in TDS.

    • The embedded assistive technology tools in TDS are available on both desktop and mobile devices.

  • Non-embedded assistive technology tools are the third-party accessibility software and hardware that students use to help them complete tests in TDS. These tools require Permissive Mode, to be turned on in TDS and may require additional configuration steps prior to testing.

    • Most of the non-embedded assistive technology tools covered in this manual are supported by Windows and macOS desktops only. Mobile devices, such as Chromebooks and iPads, do not support Permissive Mode, which is required for non-embedded technology. More detailed system requirements are provided for each assistive technology tool throughout this manual.

Students who use assistive technology tools to interact with a standard web browser should be able to use those same tools with TDS, unless they are web-based applications or browser extensions. The best way to test compatibility for tools is to take a practice assessment in the Secure Browser with those tools turned on. If they do not work, see the additional configuration instructions in this manual as required. If you still have questions about the assistive technology covered in this guide, contact Texas Testing Support.

For more information about taking practice tests, see the Test Delivery System (TDS) User Guide.

Using Permissive Mode with Assistive Technology

Permissive Mode is a TDS accommodation that allows students to use non-embedded assistive technology to complete tests in the secure browser application. It must be turned on for any students testing with third-party assistive technology tools. When Permissive Mode is turned on, the secure browser’s security settings will be partially lowered to allow students to use tools that would otherwise be blocked. This accommodation should be assigned to students in TIDE before they begin testing. For more information, refer to the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) User Guide.

Permissive Mode is available for computers running supported desktop Windows and Mac operating systems only. Permissive Mode on MacOS is supported with secure browser version 17.0. When using Windows devices, the task bar remains on-screen throughout the assessment after enabling accessibility software. However, forbidden applications are still prohibited.

Permissive Mode activates when students are approved for testing in TDS. The student’s assistive technology should already be set up for use with TDS when they begin testing with Permissive Mode.

When Permissive Mode is turned on, standard keyboard commands in the secure browser application will be disabled in order to accommodate any potential keyboard commands associated with the assistive technology the student may be using. For information about standard keyboard commands in the secure browser application, refer to the Test Delivery System (TDS) User Guide.

NOTE: Some of the tools covered in this document may include prohibited features that students can access, even when Permissive Mode is enabled. For such tools, it is recommended that test administrators monitor students while testing to ensure they do not use any prohibited features.

How to Use Assistive Technology with Permissive Mode in Windows

Students can follow the instructions to use assistive technology alongside the secure browser with all supported Windows operating systems.

  1. Open the required accessibility software on the student’s testing device.

  1. Open the secure browser application. Begin the standard  sign-in process up to the proctor approval step.

  1. When a student is approved for testing, the secure browser application allows the operating system’s menu and taskbar to appear.

    1. The secure browser application resizes, and the taskbar remains visible inside the assessment in its usual position. Students can press Alt + Tab to switch between the secure browser application and permitted accessibility applications.

  2. The student must immediately switch to the accessibility software that is already open on the computer so that it appears over the secure browser application. The student cannot select within the secure browser application until the accessibility software is configured.

    1. Click the accessibility software application in the task bar.

  3. The student configures the accessibility software settings as needed.

    1. If the student needs to test with multiple accessibility application simultaneously, they should configure all of them during this step.

  4. After configuring the all the necessary accessibility software settings, the student returns to the secure browser application and continues the sign-in process. At this point, the student can no longer switch back to the accessibility software. If changes need to be made, the student must sign out and then sign in again.

  1. Once Permissive Mode is turned off, the secure browser application reoccupies the whole screen, and the student’s ability to use assistive technologies or switch between any other applications and the secure browser application is suppressed.

How to Use Assistive Technology with Permissive Mode on macOS

The Secure Browser 17.0 for macOS  requires students to launch approved software after logging in to the test.

  1. Open the required accessibility software on the student’s testing device and configure the accessibility software as needed.

  1. Open the Secure Browser and follow the standard sign-in process.

  1. On the first page of the test, select Applications in the global menu. From the Application Launcher window that pops up, select the appropriate assistive technology software and click OK.

  1. Return to the Secure Browser and continue testing.

NOTE: Students should not close the assistive technology application while the Secure Browser is still open, as they may not be able to relaunch it. If the student accidentally closes the assistive technology application, they must sign out then sign back in.

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