Testing with Predictive Text Technology

Testing with Predictive Text Technology

Predictive text assistive technology suggests words to students as they type responses for test questions. TDS includes an embedded Word Prediction (Co:Writer) support that may be enable in TIDE prior to a student starting their test. However, TDS also supports several third-party tools that include predictive text technology.

The table below provides the technology requirements for students testing with predictive text assistive technology.

In this Section



Third-Party Predictive Text Applications


System Requirements

Additional Details

Co:Writer Universal (Windows)

Supported Version: 1.0.0 (now discontinued)

Windows 10, 11, 12; Server 2016 R2

  • TDS cannot confirm that appropriate configurations are in use during a test, so students may have access to prohibited features.

  • Requires users to enter numbers from an on-screen keypad.

  • The only supported version has been discontinued by the manufacturer, but schools may continue to use it with the secure browser application if they still have this version.

    • Co:Writer extensions are not supported.


Supported Version: 5.4.3

Windows 10, 11, 12; Server 2016 R2

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions).

    • Exam Mode must be enabled before students begin testing.

Read&Write (R&W) for Windows & Mac

Supported Mac Versions: 7.1, 7.1.3, 7.1.6

Supported Windows Version: 12.0.81

R&W 7.1 is compatible with macOS 10.13–10.14

R&W 7.1.6 is compatible with macOS 13.13

R&W 12.0.75 is compatible with Windows10, 11, 12, 2016 R2

  • TDS cannot confirm that appropriate configurations are in use during a test, so students may have access to prohibited features.

  • Requires additional setup before use in TDS (refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions).

  • The Windows version also includes speech-to-text functionality that students may use if they have the proper accommodations.

  • To use the text prediction feature in Windows, students can press the available function keys from F1 to F8.

Includes Screen Recording feature that should be disabled for Read and Write via >System Settings > Privacy & Security > Screen Recording.


To minimize security risks, WordQ5 includes an Exam Mode feature, which can be enabled through the application’s settings. Exam Mode requires a time limit of 1–12 hours to be set. Please note, this does not eliminate all security risks, and once Exam Mode has been set, it cannot be disabled until the configured time has run out.

To turn on Exam Mode, click the Options icon, and select Exam Mode. In the dialog popup window that appears, you can allow and restrict the Word usage examples and Single words added by the user including topic words features. You can also set the exam time limit at the bottom of the window.

Read&Write (Windows)

Read&Write has an Exam Mode that can be used to turn off features for a single student on his or her particular testing device. This feature is not currently available for macOS. When Exam Mode is enabled, the student will have access to only the selected features on the toolbar. For students requiring predictive text, Predictive Text should be enabled. Read&Write for Windows also includes text-to-speech and speech-to-text (talk & type) features, which should be enabled for students with the proper accommodation settings only.

To use Exam Mode, run Read&Write and click the Settings button in the upper-right corner, then click Show more settings. In the Find a Setting field, type adminsettings. Enter and confirm a password to grant access on this computer. This password is associated to the administrative account for your Read&Write subscription. When logged in to administrator settings, click the Select your features tab and select which features you would like to be enabled on the student’s toolbar. Enable the Use Exam Mode Now and toggle to start Exam Mode, then close the Read&Write menu to start the exam.

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