The Research Portal

The Research Portal

The Texas Assessment Research Portal contains assessment data for all Texas students who participated in statewide test administrations and can be used by educators, researchers, and the public to analyze state assessment results. Statewide summary reports are no longer produced, as this information is available through the Research Portal.

Preliminary and final assessment data for test administrations occurring during the 2024–2025 school year will be available in the Research Portal on the dates listed in the Calendar of Events. Statewide summary reports will be available only in the Research Portal starting with the 2024–2025 school year.

The Research Portal can be accessed through the Texas Assessment website or directly at https://txresearchportal.com. Because of the nature of the reports therein, the Research Portal is intended to be viewed on a desktop, laptop, or tablet and is not optimized for mobile phones.

Data Available in the Research Portal

State assessment results within the Research Portal vary slightly from the data used for accountability calculations because of accountability rules. To access accountability data, visit the Texas Performance Reporting System. Aggregate assessment data at the state, region, district, and campus levels are available for the following programs beginning with the administrations listed:

  • STAAR grades 3–8, spring 2012

  • STAAR cumulative, spring 2012

  • STAAR EOC assessments, spring 2012

  • STAAR Alternate 2 grades 3–8, 2015

  • STAAR Alternate 2 EOC assessments, 2015

  • TELPAS, 2012

  • TELPAS Alternate, 2019

Data can be compared statewide and across regions, districts, and campuses and disaggregated or filtered by the student demographic groups displayed in the statewide summary reports. Reporting category–level data are also available for STAAR.

Reports available with program-specific data include:

  • Group Summary

  • Score Codes Summary

  • Standard Combined Summary (STAAR only)

  • Item Analysis Summary (STAAR only)

  • Standard Constructed Response Summary (STAAR only)

  • Standard Summary

  • Standard Cumulative Summary (STAAR only, 2016–2019)

  • Cluster Summary (TELPAS only)

  • Standard Summary for Cluster (TELPAS only)

  • Standard Summary for Grade (TELPAS only)

Refer to the Glossary for more information on the data included in each report.

Using the Research Portal

Options for generating reports may differ depending on the program, administration, or subject selected. Users are asked to make the following selections:

  • State (to view statewide data)

  • Region (to view data for one or more regions)

  • District (to view data for one or more districts)

  • Campus (to view data for one or more campuses)

  • Program (select STAAR 3–8, STAAR Alternate 2 3–8, STAAR Alternate 2 EOC, STAAR Cumulative, STAAR EOC, TELPAS, or TELPAS Alternate)

  • Report (refer to the list of available reports above)

  • Administration (select the month or season and year)

  • Subject (select the subject areas or domains)

  • Grade (select the grades or grade clusters)

  • Version (select STAAR or STAAR Spanish)

The Research Portal includes a Favorites feature that allows users to select regions, districts, or campuses that will appear in a list. Because this list is tied to the browser, clearing the browser history will clear the selected organizations.

Once a report is generated, filters can be applied to display and compare data for the following student groups:

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity

  • Economically Disadvantaged

  • Title I, Part A

  • Migrant

  • Emergent bilingual (EB)/ English learner (EL)

  • Bilingual

  • ESL

  • Special Education

  • Section 504

  • Gifted/Talented

  • At-Risk

  • First-Time Tester/Retested

  • Years in U.S. Schools

Users can further customize the data displayed in the report or transpose tables for better viewing. Reports with multiple datasets take longer to generate.

Reports can be downloaded or printed as a .csv or PDF file. Reports with data for more than 20 institutions cannot be generated online; a downloadable file will be sent directly to the user’s inbox.

Refer to the Research Portal User Guide, available by selecting “User Guide” from the Support menu on the Research Portal webpage, for more information.


