Assessment Reports

Assessment Reports

Standard Reports

The following reports of student performance on STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate are provided to all Texas public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. For additional details about what is contained in reports specific to each program, as well as sample reports, refer to the Interpreting Results page.

Student Report Cards

After each administration, a confidential student report card is provided through the Secure File Center for each student for whom an assessment record was submitted. The student report cards are provided with preliminary assessment reports, and updated student report cards are provided with final assessment reports. Student report cards are created for the use of and must be made available to parents and guardians.

The student report cards are structured as follows:

  • For STAAR grades 3–8 assessments, the student report card includes all subjects tested in a grade during the school year.

  • For STAAR end-of-course (EOC) assessments, the student report card includes cumulative results for all courses tested.

  • For STAAR Alternate 2 grades 3–8 assessments, the student report card includes all subjects tested in a grade during the school year.

  • For STAAR Alternate 2 EOC assessments, the student report card includes results for any assessment taken during the school year.

  • For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, the student report card includes the English language proficiency rating for each of the four language domains assessed and the composite rating. Information on TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate student report cards is provided in both English and Spanish.

Student Labels

After each administration, a confidential student label is provided through the Secure File Center for each student for whom an assessment record was submitted. The student labels are provided with preliminary assessment reports, and updated student labels are provided with final assessment reports. Student labels are created for the purpose of adding assessment results to students' academic achievement records and should be used for that purpose.

The student labels contain the following information:  

  • For STAAR grades 3–8 assessments, the label includes the student’s performance level and scale score in each subject per grade.

  • For STAAR EOC assessments, the label includes the cumulative performance levels and scale scores for all courses tested.

  • For STAAR Alternate 2 grades 3–8 assessments, the label includes the student’s performance level and scale score in each subject per grade.

  • For STAAR Alternate 2 EOC assessments, the label includes the student’s performance levels and scale scores for any assessment taken during the school year.

  • For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, the label includes the student’s proficiency rating in each of the four language domains assessed and the composite ratings for the current and previous years.

Request for Printed Student Report Cards and Student Labels

  • To receive printed copies of student report cards and student labels for the spring administrations, district testing personnel must opt in during the windows noted on the Calendar of Events. Orders received after the windows close will incur additional processing fees.




  • District personnel can request printed copies through the Score Reporting and Label Requests module in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE).

  • Printed copies of student labels are available for the December and June administrations of STAAR. However, printed copies of student report cards are not available for the December or June administration.

  • District testing personnel can order additional copies of printed student report cards and student labels for the current school year by contacting Texas Testing Support.

  • The fee for an additional printed copy of a student report card or student label is $0.50 each. There is a minimum charge of $50 per order. Requests for additional printed copies received after the last day of each testing window are subject to a $100 processing fee.

  • All orders must be submitted with a purchase order number for processing.

Campus Rosters

Confidential campus rosters list every student for whom an assessment record was submitted. 

  • For STAAR and STAAR Alternate 2, the campus roster is available only with final assessment reports and provides detailed student-level results for each grade and subject or course assessed. STAAR Spanish results are available on separate rosters.

  • For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, the campus roster is available only with final assessment reports and provides detailed student-level results by grade for all language domains assessed and composite ratings.

Summary Reports

A summary report is available for each grade and subject, course, and language domain assessed at each campus and in each district. The summary reports contain aggregate information for every student for whom an assessment record was submitted. The reports summarize the performance results of each demographic group assessed. Summary reports are provided with preliminary assessment reports, and updated summary reports are provided with final assessment reports.

For STAAR, a summary of performance at each reporting category is displayed, as well as the number and percentage of students at each performance level. Summary reports for STAAR and STAAR Spanish are provided both separately and in a combined report. The combined report includes the number and percentage of students achieving Approaches Grade Level performance for each assessment and across both assessments. For STAAR EOC assessments, summary reports are available for all students, for first-time testers, and for retesters.

Reporting Data Files

A reporting data file contains individual data records for each student for whom an assessment record was submitted. The student record includes identification and demographic data as well as scores for each grade and subject, course, or language domain assessed. Reporting category data are also included. For extended constructed-response questions on STAAR reading language arts (RLA) assessments, the reporting data file includes non-scorable condition codes and points earned for each section of the writing rubric. Reporting data files are provided with preliminary assessment reports, and updated reporting data files are provided with final assessment reports. Refer to the Data File Formats webpage for more information.

  • Results for STAAR grades 3–8 and STAAR Spanish grades 3–5 assessments are provided in the same file.

  • Results for STAAR EOC assessments are provided in separate files for each administration that include cumulative history information for each of the five assessments.

  • Results for STAAR Alternate 2 grades 3–8 and for STAAR Alternate 2 EOC assessments are provided in separate files.

Additional STAAR Reports

Campus Roster—Students Not Achieving Approaches Grade Level

This confidential report is available for each grade and subject or course assessed. It lists every student at the campus for whom an assessment record was submitted but who did not achieve a passing score, including students who were marked “Absent” or “Other.” Separate rosters are available for students who took STAAR Spanish. This campus roster is available only with final assessment reports.

Campus Roster—All Out-of-School Examinees

This confidential report is available for each course assessed for which there were out-of-school examinees and lists each out-of-school examinee for whom a STAAR EOC assessment record was submitted at that campus. This campus roster is available only with final assessment reports.

Item Analysis Summary Reports

Item analysis summary reports are available only for the spring administration of STAAR. This report shows the percentage of students at the state, district, and campus levels who answered each question correctly. For multi-point questions, the report shows the percentage of students who received no credit, partial credit, or full credit and the distribution of student performance on extended constructed-response questions. STAAR Spanish reports are provided separately. The item analysis summary report is available only with final assessment reports.

Student Extended Constructed-Response Report

Constructed-response reports are available only for the spring administration of STAAR RLA. This confidential report includes images of student responses to extended constructed-response questions. It is available by campus and provided only with final assessment reports.

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