The Family Portal

The Family Portal

The primary purpose of the Texas Assessment Family Portal is to provide parents and guardians access to their child’s test results for STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate.

For the spring 2025 administrations of STAAR and TELPAS, which are being released, families can see each test question, the correct answer, a rationale for the correct answer, and their child's answer. The Family Portal includes information to identify the child’s strengths as well as areas where he or she may need additional support. The Family Portal also features resources that families can use to support learning at home and assist their child in focusing on the skills he or she most needs help with.

The Texas Assessment Family Portal Overview videos are intended to be shared with parents and guardians to assist them in viewing and understanding their child’s test results.

Preliminary and final assessment data for test administrations occurring during the 2024–2025 school year will be available in the Family Portal on the dates listed in the Calendar of Events.

By providing families and guardians access to the Family Portal, district personnel can fulfill the district’s reporting requirement under TAC §101.3014(b) to notify students and parents of test results.

Accessing the Family Portal Via Single Sign-On

The easiest way for parents and guardians to access the Family Portal is through a district’s local parent portal, where district personnel can set up an auto-log-in link provided by the district’s Student Information System (SIS) vendor. The auto-log-in link provides parents and guardians quick access to the Family Portal via single sign-on (SSO). This process also allows parents and guardians to bypass the Family Portal log-in screen and the unique access code.  

To enable SSO integration with the Family Portal, follow the steps below.

  1. Import the following pieces of student information into the district’s SIS:

  • Portal Access Code—a six-character alphanumeric code generated for each student in TIDE

  • the student’s date of birth (DOB)—an eight-character string in MMDDYYYY format

  • the student’s first name as entered in TIDE—can be up to 60 characters

  1. Use an HTTP post request using the format below. Confirm the accesscode, dateofbirth, and StudentFirstName values are populated with valid data for each student.

  • English version <form method="POST" action="https://api-familyportal.cambiumast.com/api/auth/autologin/texas" target="_blank">

    • <input type="text" name="accesscode" value="AA12BB"/>

    • <input type="text" name ="dateofbirth" value ="MMDDYYYY"/>

    • <input type="text" name="name" value="StudentFirstName"/>

    • <button type="submit">Submit</button></form>

  • Spanish version <form method="POST" action="https://api-familyportal.cambiumast.com/api/auth/autologin/texas/es" target="_blank">

    • <input type="text" name="accesscode" value="AA12BB"/>

    • <input type="text" name ="dateofbirth" value ="MMDDYYYY"/>

    • <input type="text" name="name" value="StudentFirstName"/>

    • <button type="submit">Submit</button></form>

  1. Add the auto-login button to the SIS user interface.

If additional assistance is needed, contact the specific SIS vendor or Texas Testing Support.

Logging in to the Family Portal

Parents and guardians can also access the Family Portal by visiting the Texas Assessment website or directly at https://txfamilyportal.org. To log in to the Family Portal, parents or guardians must use:

  • the unique student access code,

  • the student’s date of birth, and

  • the student’s legal first name.

District testing personnel should ensure that parents and guardians have the unique access code for each of their children. The unique access code is printed on the student report card that must be made available to parents and guardians. Unique access codes for the Family Portal remain the same for each student year after year. Family Portal access codes are protected under FERPA and should be shared only with authorized persons. The district’s process for secure communication should be followed when sharing student report cards and access codes with parents and guardians.

District coordinators, campus coordinators, and campus principals can look up students’ unique access codes in TIDE using the Generate Access Code List task in the Family Portal Access module. This task allows users to find access codes, TSDS IDs, and other student information for an individual student or a group of students.

District coordinators, campus coordinators, and campus principals can use the Student Access Codes via Email task in the Family Portal Access module in TIDE to download a template, add email addresses for each student’s parent or guardian, and securely send access code information through TIDE.

Sending these secure emails to parents and guardians fulfills the district’s reporting requirement under TAC §101.3014(b) to notify students and parents or guardians of test results.


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