The Centralized Reporting System

The Centralized Reporting System

The primary purpose of CRS is to provide teachers access to their students’ test results for STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate. Teachers can see performance information by assessment, reporting category, and test question. For assessments that are released to the public (e.g., spring STAAR assessments), teachers can see each test question, the correct answer, a rationale for the correct answer, and their students’ answers. CRS now includes an item analysis report that contains the item reporting categories and standard alignments, the item types, and the percentage of the group of students who earned full credit, partial credit, and no credit on each item.

By providing teachers access to CRS, district personnel can fulfill the reporting requirement under TEC §32.258 to notify teachers of test results. To log in to CRS, teachers must have an account in TIDE with either a user role that allows for viewing score reports or an association with students through a roster.

Setting Up Rosters

Rosters are groups of students, and each roster is associated with a TIDE user. Rosters usually represent classes but can represent any group that is meaningful to users, such as students who need more instructional support. Reporting rosters may be used to view students’ performance. Non-reporting rosters may be used to print student test tickets for specific testing rooms.

Students can belong to multiple rosters. For example, a student in middle school might be rostered to a math teacher, an RLA teacher, a science teacher, and a social studies teacher. Educators will see only those students assigned to them in a roster.

District coordinators, campus coordinators, and principals can add, edit, export, and upload rosters using the Roster Settings menu in the Features & Tools panel in CRS or the Rosters menu in the Preparing for Testing module in TIDE.

District coordinators, campus coordinators, and principals must edit or delete rosters as needed throughout the school year to ensure that access to student-level data is granted only to appropriate educators with a sound educational reason, allowable under FERPA, for having that access. Rosters should be routinely updated to reflect the educators' and students' current status. Refer to the Setting Up Rosters page in the TIDE User Guide for specific instructions on managing rosters for reporting.

Analyzing Assessment Data

District testing personnel can use CRS to access and analyze assessment data by assessment, reporting category, and test question for students in a specific roster, campus, district, or region. When using CRS to analyze assessment data, district personnel should keep in mind that:

  • CRS offers dynamic and interactive assessment data for students who are currently active in TIDE. CRS can also show longitudinal data comparing current year results with previous years. Testing coordinators should maintain and update student registration in TIDE so that CRS information most accurately represents the current student population.

  • CRS might not include the same data that can be found in the reporting data files that district coordinators receive. Reporting data files contain all students who are tested, including any students who may have withdrawn after testing, while CRS will only display students who are currently active in TIDE.

  • Aggregate data available in CRS might not match the static district and campus summary reports and should not be considered as a source for district or campus accountability ratings.

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