Updates for the 2024–2025 School Year
To assist district and campus testing coordinators in accessing information in these Coordinator Resources on mobile devices, the home page has been redesigned to include icons and links for all major sections.
To assist educators, parents, students, and other stakeholders in understanding the various reports and reporting events for the Texas Assessment Program, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has made the following enhancements based on input received:
An easy-to-use color-coded PDF that lists reporting deliverables, their purposes, and their delivery dates is available to download, print, and share. The one-page (front and back) document is available in the Reporting section of these Coordinator Resources and on the Student Assessment Results webpage.
Additional information for extended constructed responses is being included in reporting data files that are sent to local education agencies (LEAs). Non-scorable condition codes and a glossary explaining them will be available. Points earned for each of the two sections of the writing rubric—Development and Organization of Ideas and Conventions—will be provided.
Early student-level results, available in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) and in data files, are provided for student-level decisions and allow LEAs an opportunity to analyze the results ahead of the scheduled correction window. As such, early student-level results will no longer include statewide aggregate results. Statewide aggregate results will be available with the preliminary assessment results for accountability provided about a week after the early results.
Within CRS, in a new Item Analysis Report task, authorized educators will be able to see the points each student earned for the question and the student expectation the question is assessing.
Test questions for the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) will be released after the spring 2025 administration, and educators will be able to listen to students’ speaking responses in CRS. In addition, parents will be able see all TELPAS test questions and their child’s responses, including responses to listening questions, in the Family Portal.
The Research Portal has increased functionality that includes use of County-District-Campus numbers and viewing combined data from the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) English and Spanish administrations.
The Family Portal includes accessibility tools to assist parents and guardians in accessing their child’s state assessment results. Accessibility tools for the Family Portal include zoom, color contrast, highlighting, and masking.
Maintaining Score Code Documentation
To assist LEA and agency staff in the event that an LEA undergoes a data-related compliance review, district testing personnel are required to indicate in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) a reason (e.g, ill, testing incident) for marking a student’s test with a score code of “O” for “Other,” “A” for “Absent,” “M” for “Medical Exception,” or “N” for “No Authentic Academic Response.” District personnel should maintain local documentation when entering one of these score codes for a student’s test. Documentation may vary depending on the specific reason and score code assigned.
Test Information Distribution Engine
Based on input from educators, TIDE has been updated to include several enhancements. Refer to the What’s New for the 2024–2025 School Year training module in the Learning Management System (LMS) for more information. The following changes have been made to TIDE:
To assist district testing personnel in accounting for all students, specifically those students testing online, a Test Progress Summary task has been added to the Monitoring Test Progress tab in TIDE. This task provides visual representations and detailed information of the number and percentage of students who have started or completed an assessment online based on the Test Completion Rates report.
For LEAs that track students in TIDE using rosters, new functionality has been added to create non-reporting rosters. Rosters were originally available in TIDE to create groups of students only for reporting purposes. However, new non-reporting rosters can be used to create groups of students for printing ancillary testing materials such as student test tickets.
The Secure File Center has an updated interface and added features to enhance usability. District personnel can now select and download multiple files at once and share them with up to 25 users at a time through the Email option.
Test Delivery System
To assist students with taking online assessments, the following updates have been made to the Student Interface of the Test Delivery System (TDS):
Students will now see improved pop-up message boxes with icons and text-to speech (TTS) functionality to aid in student understanding. TTS availability in message boxes is based on a student’s test setting.
Students who use TTS will see a new feature in which the entire line of text will be highlighted in addition to the word being spoken.
Based on feedback from educators, parents, and students, TEA is implementing a new policy for consolidating students who are still testing after a certain point. Students who are not testing or who have completed testing should be participating in a regular or alternate class schedule in which enrichment activities (e.g., instruction beyond the required Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills [TEKS]) are being shared. Students who are still testing after about four hours should be consolidated to continue testing. District testing coordinators must ensure that each campus administering STAAR or TELPAS has a plan in place to consolidate students who are still testing after a certain point. Campus plans may vary based on the total number of students testing, the subject being tested, the availability of staff and space, the class schedule used on testing days, etc. Test administrators must inform students that, at some point, students who are still testing will be grouped together and students who have completed testing will join a regular or alternate class schedule. Refer to the appropriate scheduling page in the Program Overview section for more information.
Based on feedback from educators, students who receive content and language supports will see a different type of preread information before STAAR reading language arts passages. The preread information is designed to introduce students who need vocabulary comprehension support to unfamiliar vocabulary, concepts, or topics from the passage that are pertinent to the understanding of the passage. Instead of summary paragraphs, the preread information will include a list of essential words to more closely align with how vocabulary is previewed during instruction and to decrease the reading load for students.
TELPAS regular print, large print, and braille test materials will be included in initial order shipments if district testing personnel have registered students for paper test materials by the due date listed in the Calendar of Events.