Test Administrator Role on Testing Day

Test Administrator Role on Testing Day

For a smooth test administration, you must ensure that students have the necessary information they need to log in to their test sessions and take tests. On testing day, a student requires the following information for testing:

  • Student first name and TSDS ID as they are recorded in TIDE

  • Session ID or test session link to access the test session in which the student will test.

You can print a student’s test ticket (refer to Figure 31), which includes the student’s first name and TSDS ID from TIDE. For information on how to print test tickets in TIDE, please refer to the TIDE User Guide.

A screenshot of a Student Test Ticket.

The session ID is not included on the test ticket and must be communicated to students on the day of testing for tests that are scheduled to start immediately; for tests that are scheduled to start in the future, session IDs may be communicated in advance. Depending on the type of test (such as summative and interims) that you are administering and the browser that the student will be using to test (i.e., secure browser application vs conventional browsers), you may be required to provide students with the session ID or the session link:

  • For summative tests and tests that are taken in the secure browser application, you must provide the session ID that is listed in the Session ID column on the Create and Manage Test Sessions page (refer to Figure 27). Students will need the session ID along with their first name and TSDS ID to log in to the test session.

  • For interim assessments and non-summative tests that are taken in conventional browsers, you must provide the test session link that is provided in the Session Information window (refer to Figure 26). When students select the link, they will be taken to the testing site, where the session ID field will be automatically filled in, thereby allowing students to log in by simply entering their first name and TSDS ID.

Table 2 provides details on the type of session information that must be communicated to students for each test type.

Table 2. Session Information by Test Type


Summative Assessments

Non-Summative Assessments taken in the Secure Browser

Non-Summative Assessments taken outside the Secure Browser

Test Session scheduled to start immediately

Provide the Session ID at the start of the session

Provide the Session ID at the start of the session

Provide the Session Link at the start of the session

Test session scheduled to start in the future

Provide the Session ID ahead of time or at the start of the session. Students can only log in once the session becomes active.

Provide the Session ID ahead of time or at the start of the session. Students can only log in once the session becomes active.

Provide the Session Link ahead of time or at the start of the session. Students can only log in once the session becomes active

For more information on how to prepare for testing and the role of the test administrator on testing day.

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