How Test Administrators Create and Manage Test Sessions in the Test Administrator Site

How to Create and Manage Test Sessions

Administering tests in TDS is a straightforward process. There are two basic workflows:

Proctored Test Sessions:

  1. The test administrator selects tests and starts a test session in the Test Administrator Site.

  2. Students sign in to the Student Testing Site with the provided session ID and request approval for tests.

  3. The test administrator reviews students’ requests and approves them for testing.

  4. Students complete and submit their tests.

  5. The test administrator stops the test session and logs out.

Unproctored Test Sessions:

  1. The test administrator selects the tests to be administered and schedules a test session in the Test Administrator Site.

  2. The test administrator provides the session ID to the students.

  3. Students sign in to the Student Interface using their first name, TSDS ID, and session ID.

  4. Students complete and submit their tests.

The Teacher role can create sessions for Interim assessments, and Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) assessments.

The following roles can create sessions for all programs: district testing coordinator, district testing assistant, campus testing coordinator, and online testing administrator.

This section describes how test administrators successfully set up test sessions. For information about the testing process from a student’s perspective, refer to the following sections: How Students Sign In to the Student Interface and How Students Complete a Test.