Understanding the Test Delivery System’s Sites

The Test Delivery System (TDS) delivers Texas’s online tests and consists of practice sites and operational testing sites. The practice sites function identically to the operational testing sites. However, the tests that are available in the practice and operational sites are different. Tests administered in the Test Administrator Practice Site are for practice, whereas the tests provided in the Test Administrator Interface are operational and students’ scores will be official. 

  • Practice Sites:

    • Test Administrator Practice Site: Allows test administrators to practice administering assessments.

    • Student Practice Site: Allows students to practice taking tests online and using test tools. Students can log in to the testing site with their first name and TSDS ID or as guests. They can either take tests in sessions created by test administrators in the Test Administrator Practice Site or they can take tests in guest sessions.


Figure 1. Test Administrator Practice Site
Figure 2. Student Practice Site




Throughout the rest of this user guide, “Test Administrator Site” refers to both the Test Administrator Interface and Test Administrator Practice Site.