Monitor Holistic Administrations

Monitor Holistic Administrations

Manage Holistic Administrations

Campus coordinators must:

❏ Ensure Proper Testing Procedures

  • Holistically rated assessments are based on student classwork and observations of students in daily instruction.

  • Raters may collaborate with other teachers to determine students’ ratings. Collaboration may be especially helpful in determining the ratings of students near the border between proficiency levels.

  • Confidential test materials must be kept in secure storage. Test materials become confidential when personally identifiable information or ratings are added to them. These materials include the following:

    • TELPAS Student Rating Roster

    • TELPAS Writing Collection

    • TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors Inventory

❏ Answer Questions and Resolve Problems

District and campus coordinators should be aware of problems that could arise during testing and be available to respond to concerns from raters and test administrators. If the information needed to resolve an issue is not covered in these Coordinator Resources, district and campus coordinators should:

  • contact Texas Testing Support for technical assistance and for questions about accessing TIDE, updating student information, and correcting score codes; or

  • call the Student Assessment Division at (512) 463-9536 for questions about testing policies and rules, accommodations, or testing irregularities.