Prepare for Holistic Administrations

Prepare for Holistic Administrations

Verify Testing Information

District and campus testing coordinators must:

❏ Ensure Staff Members Understand their Testing Responsibilities

Required and recommended training modules are available in the Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Campus coordinators must:

    • update student demographic information in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE);

    • plan for testing;

    • establish procedures to ensure validity and reliability of ratings;

    • ensure that all eligible students are rated;

    • ensure that all TELPAS holistic ratings are entered using the template available through the Holistic Rating Upload task in the Appeals/Score Codes module, submitted, and processed in TIDE by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on March 28, 2025; and

    • ensure that all TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors ratings are submitted in the Data Entry Interface (DEI) by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on March 28, 2025.

  • Raters and test administrators must:

    • complete all training requirements before rating students in the applicable domains;

    • maintain security and confidentiality of test materials, including materials containing personally identifiable information and ratings; and

    • rate students in all required domains.

Verify Student Information in TIDE

  • Review student information, including student name and demographic information.

  • Use the View Student History feature to review updates made by TIDE users to students' records, including edits and file uploads, and to see when and by whom the updates were made.

  • Refer to the Verify Student Information page for more information.

Plan for Testing

  • Establish a schedule of administration dates for each assessment within the state testing window on the Testing Calendar.

  • Encourage raters to schedule performance-based activities to gather information about the English language proficiency of emergent bilingual (EB) students. 

  • Ensure that raters understand that they should complete holistic ratings during the first five weeks of the testing window and reserve the last week for submitting data in the appropriate system.

Manage Test Materials

District and campus coordinators must:

❏ Ensure Quantities of Test Materials

  • The materials list, available in TIDE, indicates quantities of the TELPAS Test Administrator Manual and TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors Inventory documents that will be shipped to each district.

  • Quantities shown on the initial orders materials list are calculated by student eligibility and cannot be increased or decreased unless there is a change in eligibility status (e.g., mode of testing, change in admission, review, and dismissal [ARD] committee decision).

❏ Receive and Distribute Test Materials

  • Refer to the Calendar of Events for when to expect shipments.

  • Track shipments of test materials through the Orders module in TIDE.

  • Report any discrepancies to Texas Testing Support immediately.


Districts Receive Test Administration Manuals and IO.png


  • Ensure that raters and test administrators have required test materials, including access to online documents or printed copies of the following, most of which are available on the TELPAS Resources and TELPAS Alternate Resources webpages:

    o   TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors

    o   TELPAS Student Rating Roster

    o   TELPAS Writing Collection, as needed

    o   TELPAS Alternate Proficiency Level Descriptors

    o   TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors Inventory

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