STAAR Out-of-School and Out-of-District Administrations

STAAR Out-of-School and Out-of-District Administrations

OOS testing allows examinees who are no longer enrolled in school but who still need to test to take a STAAR EOC assessment during a scheduled administration at a participating district. OOD testing allows students who are enrolled in a Texas public school district or open-enrollment charter school and will be away from their home districts for a scheduled administration to take a STAAR EOC assessment at a participating district. OOS and OOD testing only applies to STAAR EOC assessments.

Register for OOS and OOD Testing

District and campus coordinators must:

❏ Register Test Sites

District Personnel Register OOS and OOD Test Sites.png
  • For districts that have OOS and OOD examinees, district testing personnel must register at least one campus as an OOS and OOD test site.

  • Test sites must be registered using the STAAR OOS and OOD Test Site Registration Form on the Other Testing Resources webpage during the window listed on the Calendar of Events.

  • Test sites must be registered separately for each STAAR administration—December, spring, and June—as previously registered test sites are not carried over.

  • If changes need to be made to a registered test site, district personnel should contact Texas Testing Support.

❏ Ensure Examinees Are Registered to Test

OOS and OOD Examinee Registration.png
  • Home district personnel should instruct OOS and OOD examinees to complete the STAAR OOS and OOD Examinee Registration Form on the Other Testing Resources webpage during the window listed on the Calendar of Events.

  • OOS and OOD examinees’ information should be uploaded in TIDE by testing personnel in the examinee’s home district and campus. For OOS examinees, the home district and campus are the last district and campus where the examinee was enrolled.

  • Home district personnel are responsible for maintaining OOS and OOD examinees' information in TIDE, including demographics and test attributes.

  • District coordinators, district assistants, and campus coordinators can view changes to an examinee’s registration during the current school year in TIDE using the View Student History feature. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.

  • Home district personnel must complete the Testing District and Testing Campus fields in the Student Demographics section in TIDE for OOD students.

  • Refer to the Registration section for OOS or OOD examinees who might be eligible for a paper administration.

  • Home district personnel must contact personnel in the testing district within one week of the close of the registration window to tell them how many of the home district’s OOS and OOD examinees will test there.

  • OOS and OOD examinees who are not registered by the deadline may still test at a participating campus at the testing location’s discretion. Examinees should contact the campus in advance of the testing date to ensure that the campus can accommodate them. Campus personnel will assist with the on-site registration process.

Ensure Proper OOS and OOD Testing Procedures

District and campus coordinators must:

❏ Distribute Test Materials

  • Home district personnel must provide testing district personnel with test tickets for online assessments. These documents contain PII and must be sent in a secure manner, such as in a password-protected email or through the Secure File Center.

  • Paper administration materials are shipped to the testing district identified in TIDE.

❏ Understand Additional Requirements

  • Home district personnel must ensure that score codes, non-embedded supports, and other scoring information (e.g., TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS coding) for each OOS and OOD examinee are updated in TIDE prior to the close of each content-area testing window. Refer to the Complete Administrations section for more information.

  • Results for OOS and OOD examinees are reported to the home district and campus.

  • A printed copy of the student report card is shipped to the OOS examinee’s home address provided on the registration form.


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