Student Mobility

Student Mobility

Students who move during the school year must be provided with opportunities to participate in STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), and TELPAS Alternate, as appropriate.

Understand District Responsibilities for Students Who Move During the School Year

District and campus testing coordinators must:

❏ Manage Students Who Enroll or Withdraw Outside the Testing Windows

  • For students who have moved from one Texas district to another, the receiving district coordinator should transfer the student to the new district using the Transfer Student task in the Student Information module in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE). For students who have moved from one campus to another within the same Texas district, district testing personnel should use the “Move to Another Enrolled Campus” option on the View/Edit/Export Student page. Refer to the How District-Level Users Transfer Students Between Districts topic or How District-Level Users Transfer Students Between Campuses topic of the TIDE User Guide for instructions.

  • District testing personnel can view reports of students who have transferred into and out of their district in the Student Information module in TIDE.

  • District coordinators, district testing assistants, and campus coordinators can view changes to a student’s registration during the current school year in TIDE using the View Student History feature. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.

  • District testing personnel should ensure that information in TIDE is accurate and up to date for students who formally withdraw from the district. As required by Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §74.5(c), sending district personnel must ensure that academic achievement records are promptly provided to the receiving campus.

  • District and campus personnel must use the appropriate score codes to account for students who are no longer in attendance but have not formally withdrawn from the district, including migrant students.

Transfer Student.png
Transfer Student page in TIDE


❏ Manage Students Who Enroll or Withdraw During the Testing Windows

STAAR responsibilities

STAAR Alternate 2 responsibilities

  • District personnel in the receiving district must ensure that any student who moves within or into a district on or after the first day of the testing window is provided an opportunity to test. This includes students who:

    • move from campus to campus within the same district;

    • move from one Texas school district to another;

    • are enrolling from a private school, including a home school; or

    • are enrolling from a school outside of Texas.

  • The district coordinator in the receiving district must check for any assessments already administered by the sending district to ensure that all required assessments are administered and that students are not unnecessarily tested again.

  • District personnel in the receiving district should review academic achievement records to determine if the student needs to take any STAAR EOC assessments.

  • The Enter Student Information in TIDE page of the Complete Administrations section of these Coordinator Resources should be reviewed for all students who have moved to ensure that student information is up to date.

TELPAS Responsibilities


Sending District and Campus

  • For students in kindergarten through grade 1 or grades 2–12 who were holistically assessed, district testing personnel must assign and upload ratings in TIDE.

  • For students in grades 2–12 who tested online, district personnel must ensure assessments are submitted.

  • For students in grades 2–12 who tested on paper, district personnel must ensure responses are submitted in the Data Entry Interface (DEI).

  • The Enter Student Information in TIDE page should be reviewed for all students who have moved to ensure that student information is up to date.

Receiving District and Campus

  • District and campus personnel in the receiving district are not responsible for holistically rating any students in kindergarten through grade 12.

  • For students in grades 2–12, receiving district coordinators must check for any assessments already administered by the sending district to ensure that students are not unnecessarily tested again.

  • District and campus personnel in the receiving district must administer:

    • online assessments to students who have not yet tested, and

    • paper assessments to eligible students who have not yet tested.

  • The Enter Student Information in TIDE page should be reviewed for all students who have moved to ensure that student information is up to date.

TELPAS Alternate Responsibilities


Sending District and Campus

  • If district and campus personnel in the sending district have completed all 40 Observable Behaviors, the rating information must be submitted in DEI.

  • If all 40 Observable Behaviors have not been completed, district or campus personnel in the sending district must enter “E” for extenuating circumstances.

  • The Enter Student Information in TIDE page should be reviewed for all students who have moved to ensure that student information is up to date.

Receiving District and Campus

  • District and campus personnel in the receiving district are not responsible for holistically rating students.

  • The Enter Student Information in TIDE page should be reviewed for all students who have moved to ensure that student information is up to date.

❏ Manage Students Who Temporarily Relocate

It is not necessary to transfer a student who will test at an alternate location, such as a different campus, a different district, or an alternate education setting, to the other location in TIDE. District testing personnel should enter the name of the other testing location in the Testing District and Testing Campus fields in TIDE under the Student Demographics section. For reporting and accountability purposes, the student’s enrolled district and campus will receive the student’s assessment results.

A screenshot of the Student Demographics section
Testing District and Testing Campus fields in the Student Demographics section in TIDE


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