TELPAS Alternate

TELPAS Alternate

TELPAS Alternate is an alternate English language proficiency assessment designed to assess the progress that EB students with the most significant cognitive disabilities make in learning the English language. It is a holistic inventory aligned to the Texas ELPS. However, TELPAS Alternate is based on alternate proficiency level descriptors (PLDs). TELPAS Alternate fulfills ESSA, which requires that EB students with the most significant cognitive disabilities be assessed annually until they are determined to be proficient in the English language.

In this Section

TELPAS Alternate holistically assesses students in grades 2–12 in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students must be assessed in all four domains; there are no domain-specific exceptions. TELPAS Alternate is administered once a year, in the spring, and retest opportunities are not offered.

For more information on TELPAS Alternate, refer to the TELPAS Alternate Resources webpage.