STAAR Alternate 2

STAAR Alternate 2

STAAR Alternate 2 is a standardized alternate academic achievement assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards. It is designed to measure the extent to which a student has learned and is able to apply the defined knowledge and skills in the TEKS. STAAR Alternate 2 is administered individually to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who meet the participation requirements. STAAR Alternate 2 fulfills ESSA and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ESSA requires that all students be assessed in specific grades and subjects throughout their academic careers, whereas IDEA requires that students with disabilities have access to the same standards as their nondisabled peers and that they be included in statewide assessments.

In this Section

STAAR Alternate 2 includes:

  • grades 3–8 mathematics,

  • grades 3–8 RLA,

  • grades 5 and 8 science,

  • grade 8 social studies, and

  • EOC assessments for:

    • Algebra I,

    • English I,

    • English II,

    • Biology, and

    • U.S. History.

STAAR Alternate 2 is administered once a year, in the spring, and retest opportunities are not offered.

For more information about STAAR Alternate 2, refer to the STAAR Alternate 2 Resources webpage.

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