User Role Permissions
This page specifies which users (e.g., campus testing coordinator, teacher, etc.) can access elements of the Texas Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) and other Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) systems for the Texas Assessment Program. This guidance highlights essential functions performed by testing personnel, such as uploading student accounts, ordering materials, printing test tickets, monitoring test progress, accessing the Data Entry Interface (DEI) and the Centralized Reporting System (CRS), and other essential functions.
User roles include the following:
ERS: ESC Region Staff
DS: District Superintendent
DTC: District Testing Coordinator
DTA: District Testing Assistant
DRV: District Report Viewer
CTC: Campus Testing Coordinator
CRV: Campus Report Viewer
OTA: Online Test Administrator
PR: Principal
SDA: Student Data Assistant
TE: Teacher
CTS: Campus Technology Staff
TSA: Test Setup Assistant
RCU: Regional Content User
DCU: District Content User
LMS_ONLY: Learning Management System Only
Assessment System User Matrix
The table below indicates which users can access specific features and tasks within TIDE and other CAI systems. The user guide for each system contains complete information about each feature or task.