Additional Guidelines by Test Type

This section provides additional information about entering data for TELPAS, TELPAS Alternate, and STAAR Alternate 2 tests.

Entering Data for TELPAS Special Paper Reading Tests

TELPAS tests include four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. However, the TELPAS Special Paper Reading assessment is the only one that requires data entry into DEI. TELPAS Reading can be found on DEI’s Available Tests page (refer to Figure 10).

The user can log in and select TELPAS tests using the same procedure in the section How to Access Student Assessments.

After logging in and selecting the test, begin entering data For more information, refer to the sections How to Enter Data for the Reading Domain (Paper or Braille) below.

When entering the necessary data is complete, follow the procedures in the sections Completing Data Entry and Reviewing Questions and Done Reviewing Assessment Page to submit the responses for scoring.

Please Note: If a student needs to be exempted from taking a TELPAS test for any reason, a district testing coordinator or district testing assistant must enter the appropriate Score Code for that student’s test opportunity in TIDE. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.

How to Enter Data for the Reading Domain (Paper or Braille)

Grades 2–12 TELPAS Reading tests for paper or braille use a bubble sheet format, which provides all the item response options for the domain on a single page while hiding the item content.

The process for entering data in a bubble sheet test is similar to that of any other DEI test. However, context menu tools do not appear for each item like they would in the secure browser application.

The response areas for grades 2–12 TELPAS Reading test items will be multiple choice only. To enter data for each item, mark the radio button that corresponds with the student’s response on the paper test form.

 When entering data is complete, follow the procedures in the Completing Data Entry and Reviewing Questions and Done Reviewing Assessment Page sections to submit the test for scoring.

Figure 10. TELPAS Reading Domain


Entering Data for TELPAS Alternate Tests

TELPAS Alternate tests consist of four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.  A single test is used in DEI for all four domains, but each domain appears on a separate page of the test.

Each test page uses a bubble sheet format, which lists all the observable behavior items for that domain. Items on each page are listed in the same order that they appear on the Observable Behaviors Inventory document.

Note: The numbers visible in DEI do not match the numbers on the Observable Behaviors Inventory document. S1–10 on the Observable Behaviors Inventory document is S11–20 in DEI (refer to Figure 17), R1–10 on the Observable Behaviors document is R21–30  in DEI, and W1–10 on the Observable Behaviors document is W31–40 in DEI.

To enter the data for a student, mark the radio button that corresponds with the observable behavior recorded for that student on the Observable Behaviors Holistic Inventory document. Do not skip any observable behavior items on TELPAS Alternate tests. Once all the behaviors for a particular domain have been recorded, click Next to enter the data for the next domain. The order of domains is Listening, Speaking, Reading, and then Writing. Domains must be completed in this order and a domain cannot be skipped.

When entering data for every domain is complete, follow the procedures in the Completing Data Entry and Reviewing Questions and Done Reviewing Assessment Page sections to submit the test for scoring.

Please note that the TELPAS Alternate test cannot be submitted unless ratings are entered for each Observable Behavior. If a student was not rated in all 40 Observable Behaviors, refer to Enter Student Information into TIDE section in these Coordinator Resources for additional guidance.  

Figure 11. TELPAS Alternate Test Page


Entering Data for STAAR Alternate 2 Tests

STAAR Alternate 2 tests use a bubble sheet format, which lists all the items on a single page while hiding item content. For general instructions for STAAR Alternate 2 tests, refer to the STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administration Manual. When entering data for a STAAR Alternate 2 test, select the appropriate test form to use after selecting the test.

The process for entering data in a bubble sheet test is similar to that of any other DEI test. However, context menu tools do not appear for each item like they would on a STAAR test.

The response areas for STAAR Alternate 2 test items are multiple choice with three options: A, B, or C. To enter data for an item, mark the radio button that corresponds with the student’s response from the scoring document in Appendix A of the STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administration Manual. If the student did not respond with the correct answer, mark Option C for that item on the DEI test page.

When entering data for every item is complete,  follow the procedures in the Completing Data Entry and Reviewing Questions and Done Reviewing Assessment Page sections to submit the test for scoring.

Please Note: If a student qualifies for Medical Exception or No Authentic Academic Response, a DTC or DTA must enter the appropriate Score Code for that student's test opportunity in TIDE. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.

For specific information about students testing in alternative education settings such as special education cooperatives, please refer to the Paper Administrations in Alternative Education Settings section in these Coordinator Resources. After testing, district personnel must verify that students are accurately located in their enrolled district and campus using the Transfer Student feature in TIDE, before the last day of the test administration window to ensure accurate accountability reporting. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for more information.