Security Forms

The TEA Student Assessment Division has created several forms to assist district testing personnel in maintaining the security and confidentiality of the Texas Assessment Program.

Oaths of Test Security and Confidentiality

All district and campus personnel who participate in the Texas Assessment Program or have access to secure test materials must be trained in test security and administration procedures at least once and sign an Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality. Any person who has more than one testing role (for example, a campus coordinator who also serves as a test administrator) must receive appropriate training and sign a test security oath for each role. Test security oaths are valid for the entire school year, including December, spring, and June testing, as well as any optional testing, field testing, and mandatory sampling conducted during the school year.

Test security oaths are required to be maintained by the district or campus coordinator for a period of five years.

  • General test security oaths should be completed before handling secure test materials. These oaths should be printed, saved, or both, but they do not need to be submitted to the state testing contractor.

  • The superintendent oath should be submitted in the fall before any state-required testing begins.

  • Part one of the district coordinator oath should be submitted before handling secure test materials; part two of the district coordinator oath should be submitted after all testing is complete for the year. 

  • Any new personnel in a superintendent or district coordinator position must complete and submit a test security oath in TIDE.

By signing the appropriate test security oath, participants affirm that they have been trained, that they understand their obligation to properly implement the program, that they acknowledge their responsibility to report any suspected testing irregularity to the district or campus coordinator, principal, or TEA Student Assessment Division, and that they are aware of the range of penalties that may result from a violation. The Test Security Oath for Superintendent or Chief Administrative Officer and the Test Security Oath for District Testing Coordinator are available in TIDE under Administration and Security Forms. The general test security oath for campus coordinators, test administrators, technology staff, proctors, raters, etc., is available below.

Testing Irregularity Forms

The district coordinator or his or her designee is responsible for investigating all testing irregularities caused by district personnel, whether confirmed or alleged. The district coordinator must ensure that all confirmed testing irregularities are reported to the TEA Student Assessment Division via an online testing irregularity form. The Procedural Testing Irregularity form and Serious Testing Violation form are available and can be submitted in TIDE under Administration and Security Forms > Submit a Form. The district coordinator can view and edit previously submitted forms in TIDE under Administration and Security Forms > View Forms. If information on the submitted forms needs to be updated or edited, click the pencil icon.

Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form

District coordinators must report any disciplinary action taken against a student for cheating or attempting to cheat on a state assessment using the Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form.

Seating Charts

Seating charts are required for all STAAR administrations and for online and paper administrations of TELPAS. District and campus coordinators may create seating chart templates that best suit their needs; however, the following minimal information must be recorded for each test session:

  • the location of the test session, including the district and campus names and the room designation; a brief description of the testing area should be provided (e.g., classroom, library, cafeteria);

  • the specific assessment being administered at this location, including the month, year, program, and grade and subject or course;

  • the first and last names of the test administrators and monitors conducting or involved in the test session;

  • the first and last names of each student participating in the assessment, on the seating chart at the location where the student was seated; and

  • the start time and stop time of the test session.

District and campus coordinators may include additional information if they choose to do so.