Events That Are Not Testing Incidents

Events That Are Not Testing Incidents

The following events are not usually considered procedural testing irregularities or serious testing violations and do not need to be reported to TEA:

  • Unexpected disruptions in testing—Disruptions in testing generally involve unplanned situations that are not the result of an error on the part of testing personnel. District personnel should refer to the Planning for Possible Testing Disruptions topic.

  • Student violations of district cell phone policy—District personnel are not required to report events involving student use of cell phones or other electronic devices unless a student photographs, duplicates, records, posts, transmits, or disseminates secure test content using an electronic device.

District coordinators should evaluate the circumstances of these types of events and determine whether any adults bear responsibility for what happened. If the district coordinator determines that no error was committed by district personnel or any other adult, a testing incident form does not need to be completed.

District coordinators should contact the TEA Student Assessment Division if additional guidance is needed.

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