Submit Student Information in DEI

Submit Student Information in DEI

In this Section

The following assessments require DEI submissions:

  • STAAR paper administrations

  • STAAR Alternate 2

  • TELPAS reading grades 2–12 paper administrations

  • TELPAS Alternate

Students' responses for paper administrations and holistic ratings for TELPAS Alternate must be submitted in DEI for scoring and reporting. Student responses or ratings that have been entered in DEI will be scored automatically if the information was entered during the testing window. Only authorized district staff members who are trained in test security and administration procedures and sign an Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality are permitted to enter student information in DEI. Authorized district staff members who are responsible for entering student responses or holistic ratings in DEI must be provided with additional training in specific security protocol regarding transferring student responses and ratings. Tampering with or changing student responses or holistic ratings is strictly prohibited. As a reminder of this obligation, these individuals are required to complete a specific part of the test security oath.

All student responses for paper administrations of STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS and holistic ratings for TELPAS Alternate must be submitted in DEI by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on the last day of the testing window. Student responses and holistic ratings that are not submitted in DEI by the due date will not be scored or reported and cannot be updated during the data correction window. It is highly recommended that district testing personnel establish a local deadline and reserve the last two to three days of each STAAR two-week testing window and the last week of the STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate testing windows for DEI submissions to help ensure that all student information is submitted prior to the close of each specific testing window.

For more information on entering student information in DEI, refer to the DEI User Guide.

Ensure That Student Information is Submitted in DEI

District and campus coordinators must:


Districts Submit Student Records in DEI and Holistic Ratings in TIDE.png

❏ Assign District Testing Personnel to Enter Student Information in DEI

  • Ensure that authorized district personnel are trained in test security and administration procedures, including specific security protocols regarding transferring student responses and ratings.

  • Ensure that authorized district personnel have signed an Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality, including the specific section on DEI.

  • Ensure that authorized district personnel are not related to students for whom the personnel would be entering information.

  • Refer to the Directions for Entering Student Responses in DEI.


  • For eligible students who participated in a paper administration of STAAR, student responses are recorded in the test booklet and submitted in DEI.

STAAR Alternate 2

  • For eligible students who participated in STAAR Alternate 2, student responses are recorded on a scoring document for each assessment and submitted in DEI.

  • Completed scoring documents should include:

    • the student's name,

    • the student's TSDS ID,

    • the grade and subject,

    • the form number,

    • the assessment year,

    • the student’s accommodations (which must then be entered in TIDE), and

    • the student’s score for each question.


  • For eligible students who participated in a special paper administration of TELPAS reading, student responses are recorded in the test booklet and submitted in DEI.

TELPAS Alternate

  • For eligible students who participated in TELPAS Alternate, holistic ratings are recorded on an Observable Behaviors Inventory document for each student and submitted in DEI.

  • Completed Observable Behaviors Inventory documents should include:

    • the student’s name,

    • the student’s TSDS ID,

    • the student’s grade,

    • the date the inventory was completed,

    • the test administrator’s printed name and signature, and

    • the student’s rating for each of the 40 Observable Behaviors.

  • Ratings for all 40 Observable Behaviors must be submitted in DEI for the assessment to be scored.

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