Mathematics Manipulatives
For a student who meets the eligibility criteria, this designated support may be used on:
STAAR grades 3–8 mathematics and Algebra I
STAAR Spanish grades 3–5 mathematics
Description of Designated Support
This designated support allows a student to use concrete objects or pictures of concrete objects that the student can touch and move to visualize abstract concepts.
Student Eligibility Criteria
A student may use this accommodation if the student routinely, independently, and effectively uses mathematics manipulatives during classroom instruction and classroom testing.
Authority for Decision and Required Documentation
The STAAR Non-Embedded Supports field must be updated in the Non-Embedded Supports panel in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) before the end of the specific testing window to indicate that this support was made available to the student.
For a student not receiving special education or Section 504 services, the decision is made by the appropriate team at the campus level (e.g., Response to Intervention [RtI] team, student assistance team) and documented according to district policies. The decision should be based on the eligibility criteria and aimed at addressing a student’s consistent academic struggle in a specific area even after intensive instruction and remediation.
For a student receiving Section 504 services, the decision is made by the Section 504 committee based on eligibility criteria and documented in the student’s individual accommodation plan (IAP).
For a student receiving special education services, the decision is made by the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee based on eligibility criteria and documented in the student’s individualized education program (IEP).
In the case of an emergent bilingual (EB) student with a disability, the decision is made by the applicable group in conjunction with the student’s language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) and documented in the student’s permanent record file and IAP or IEP.
Examples and Types
The mathematics manipulatives designated support may include only the following items:
Real or play money (both heads and tails)
Clocks with or without numbers shown on the clock face; the clock should NOT have gears.
Base-ten blocks
Various types of counters (e.g., two-sided chips, blocks, numerals with printed or raised dots)
Algebra tiles; the tiles should NOT contain words, labels, pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables.
Fraction pieces (e.g., fraction bars, fraction circles); the fraction pieces should NOT contain labels (e.g., labels that show individual fractions, equivalencies, or cumulative sequences).
Geometric figures that are grade- or course-appropriate; the figures may be provided in either three-dimensional form or two-dimensional form but NOT in both forms; the figures should NOT contain words, labels, colors used as labels, pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. Providing a pictorial model of a geometric figure in one form (e.g., net) and a supplement aid of the same figure in another form (e.g., three- dimensional solid) is NOT allowed.
Special Instructions and Considerations
A student who uses this designated support may need to complete the test in a setting that is separate from other students in order to eliminate distractions and ensure the confidentiality of the test.
Using mathematics manipulatives as an accommodation during classroom instruction and classroom testing should not replace the teaching of subject-specific skills as outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The student must be able to understand the information that the mathematics manipulatives provide and simply need assistance recalling or visualizing the concepts.
The test administrator may NOT remind the student to use the mathematics manipulatives or explain to the student how to use them.
District testing personnel should contact the Student Assessment Help Desk with any questions.