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  STAAR Alternate 2 
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  TELPAS Alternate

On this Page

Table of Contents

Coordinate the Review of Student Information

District and campus coordinators must:

❏ Ensure That Student Information Has Been Verified

Changes to test information and student demographic information, including name, date of birth, and grade level, can be made in TIDE throughout the registration window. Updates to student information can be made using a bulk upload or individually entered.

  • Bulk Upload: Use the downloadable template available through the Upload Additional Student Fields task in the Student Information module in TIDE (refer to Figure 10). Refer to the Additional Fields Upload File Format document on the TIDE Upload File Formats page of the Texas Assessment website to ensure that the values entered in the templates are valid.

  • Individual Entry: Use the View/Edit/Export Student task in the Student Information module in TIDE (refer to Figure 11).

A screenshot of TIDE highlighting where you can click Download Template.
A screenshot of TIDE showing where one can view, edit, export students.

The View Student History feature allows district coordinators, district testing assistants, and campus coordinators to view what updates were made to a student’s demographic or registration information in TIDE and when the updates were made during the current school year. Users will also be able to view assigned rosters and eligible assessments using this feature. Refer to the /wiki/spaces/ODCCM2425/pages/3298923105 TIDE User Guide for specific instructions on viewing and editing student information before an administration.

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NOTE: When a student logs in to TDS, he or she will be able to access only assessments available for his or her enrolled grade level unless he or she is testing above grade level. For this reason, enrolled grade level should be verified and updated as necessary prior to the opening of the administration window, including for OOS students. For TELPAS, if a student’s enrolled grade level is changed during the administration window after he or she has started testing, the student will not receive a composite rating. Students must complete all TELPAS domains at the same grade level. All other demographics must be updated before the administration window closes.

Contact /wiki/spaces/ODCCM2425/pages/3298932296 Texas Testing Support for issues updating student information or test attributes.

Verify and Update Student Information

Campus coordinators must:

❏ Download Files for Data Verification

District coordinators will notify campus coordinators when students are registered in TIDE. Student data files should be exported from the View/Edit/Export Student page in TIDE to verify student demographic information. Users can choose the “Export Selected in Upload Format” option when downloading student information in order to make updates and then reupload directly to TIDE. If the user chooses either the “Export Selected to Excel” or “Export Selected to CSV” option instead, the extract will not be in the same format as the template from the Upload Student Information task. If any changes are made, student data from the export will need to be transferred to this template before uploading to TIDE.

❏ Verify Student Data Elements

Take the following actions in regard to student data elements:

  • Ensure that all records for all students taking the assessment have been included in TIDE.

  • Confirm the accuracy and completeness of all data, including student demographic information.

  • Verify specific program fields, and confirm student test eligibility.

  • Confirm the accuracy and completeness of test attributes for all students to ensure that the correct test mode, version, presentation, and embedded supports are provided to the students during testing.

  • If changes to student data are required, update the student data directly in TIDE or update a student registration file and upload it to TIDE. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for instructions on modifying and uploading student information.

NOTE: TIDE retains previously uploaded values when specific fields are left blank in the template available through the Upload Student Information task if the information was first submitted on or after August 26, 2024. Refer to the Student Registration Upload File Format document on the TIDE Upload File Formats webpage for detailed information on whether this applies for a specific field. If applicable, “<blank> = database value retained” is included as an acceptable value. If not applicable, a blank value will replace the previously submitted information.