All students enrolled in Texas public schools and open-enrollment charter schools, including virtual schools, are required by federal and state law to participate in the Texas Assessment Program. EB students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 12 who are not over the age of 21 are required to be assessed annually in English language proficiency until they are determined to be proficient by meeting the EB student reclassification criteria available on the Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education Programs webpage. This includes students classified as EB/EL in PEIMS whose parents have declined bilingual or ESL program services (PEIMS code C). Refer to the LPAC Decisions Educator Guide on the Assessments for Special Populations webpage.
A student’s ARD committee, in conjunction with the LPAC, must determine if an EB student receiving special education services meets the participation requirements for TELPAS Alternate available on the TELPAS Alternate Resources webpage. The following grade-level guidelines apply: