You can view your students’ performance over time across multiple related assessments or across multiple testing opportunities of a single assessment. This lets you see how students’ performance has improved or declined.

On this Page

Each Longitudinal Report displays performance data for one of the following:

  • A group of students who have completed every assessment available in the report. If you are a district- or campus-level user, note that a certain percentage of students must have taken all the related assessments in order for you to generate a Longitudinal Report. Teachers have the option of adjusting the pool of students, tests, and test administrations (categories assigned to assessments).

  • An individual student (refer to Figure 17).


How to Access a Longitudinal Report Comparing Related Assessments

If the student(s) in your test results have completed multiple related assessments, the Build Longitudinal Report button allows you to access a Longitudinal Report in the reports for any of those assessments (refer to Icons). If they have not done so, then no Longitudinal Report is available.

  1. In the Features and Tools menu, click the Build Longitudinal Report button in the upper-left corner, either directly on the page (refer to Figure 18) or within a More Tools menu, depending on whether additional instructional resources are available (refer to Icons).

  2. The Longitudinal Report window appears. Depending on your role, the test types, and the number of students in the report, it may display a report options page rather than the Longitudinal Report itself. The contents of this page depend on your role and the number of students.

    1. Teachers only: If the test results you are reviewing are for multiple students, a table appears with a column for each test (refer to Figure 19). This table does not appear if you are looking at an individual student.

    2. A sub-column appears for each test administration (a category assigned to an assessment).

    3. The cells in the columns display Checkmark Indicating Student Completed Test icon to indicate which students completed which test/test administration combinations (refer to Icons).

    4. Mark the checkbox for each test/test administration combination you wish to include in the report. Mark the Test administration checkbox on the left to include all or clear it to remove all. The test opportunities that will be included are highlighted in yellow.

  3. If you are viewing report options, click Generate Report at the top of the window to view the Longitudinal Report. (You can modify your selections and regenerate the report later using the Change Selections button (refer to Icons).

How to View Students’ Overall Performance on Assessments Over Time

Look at the graph in the upper-left corner of the Longitudinal Report (refer to Figure 20). It shows the scores or performance levels of the student(s) each time they took the test(s).

Score data are plotted along a line. Performance level data are shown either the same way or, for multiple students, in Performance Distribution (BOY)/ Predicted STAAR Performance (Interim) bars.

Hover your mouse over the data points in a line graph or the sections in a bar to get more information.

Alternatively, in the table at the bottom of the report, look at the Overall section.

Note: Due to changes in test design and achievement levels, longitudinal reports are not available for STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS prior to 2023.


Table 7. Longitudinal Report Window Elements




Overall performance graph


Overall performance section of table

How to Switch Between Score Data and Performance Level Data

When a graph offers both score and performance level data, a toggle bar appears at the top, as in Figure 21. Click the toggle to switch between data. You may want to do this if you find performance level data to be easier to read, or if you prefer the precision of score data. Sometimes, a test includes only one type of data.


How to Modify the Programs You Have Selected

If you are a teacher and generated the report from the report options page, click the Change Selections button in the upper-right corner of the window (refer to Icons). The report options page reappears, allowing you to change your selection of tests and test administrations (categories assigned to assessments).

How to Filter Test Opportunities to Show Some and Not Others

You may want to filter a Longitudinal Report in order to focus on some test opportunities and not others.

Note that filtering tests may affect the set of students whose data are included in the report.

  1. Open the Filters Menu button at the upper-right corner and select the filter options you prefer from the dropdown lists (refer to Figure 22) (refer to Icons).

    1. You may want to filter by a particular school year or years. Note that years are not calendar years. The year “2024” refers to the 2024–2025 school year. By default, Longitudinal Reports show data for all years. Longitudinal Reports can show student performance from a time when the students were not yet associated with you. For example, if you are a grade 7 teacher, you can use these reports to view your current students’ performance on last year’s grade 6 tests.

    2. You may wish to filter by a test administration (a test category), which means excluding all other test administrations from the data. For example, you may want to narrow down the report to show only tests taken in the spring.

    3. Finally, you may find that certain individual tests are less relevant than others. In that case, you can use the Test Title options to deselect the names of the tests you do not want to see.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Optional: To revert all filters to their defaults, open the Filters Menu button again and click Clear Filters. Click Apply (refer to Icons).

A row of filter details appears below the report header, as in Figure 22, showing the test administrations and school years included in the report.