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  STAAR Alternate 2 
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  TELPAS Alternate 

On this Page

Table of Contents

Student assessment results are provided to district personnel in three stages: early, preliminary, and final. The results are posted in the Secure File Center and are available for 90 days. To better understand the names of the various reports and files that are posted in the Secure File Center, refer to the Naming Conventions document. For dates of specific reporting events applicable to each administration, refer to the Calendar of Events.

View file
name2024–2025 Naming Conventions for Reports and Files.pdf

Early Student-Level Reports

Early student-level results are available in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) for district testing coordinators and superintendents to aid in making student-level decisions, including determining whether accelerated instruction is required and whether graduation requirements have been met. In addition, early data files are posted in the Secure File Center for district coordinators. These early data files are provided in a CRS Custom Data File Layout that is available on the Data File Formats webpage. Early results are for student-level information, not for district or campus accountability ratings, since changes may occur during the data correction window and accountability reporting rules have not been applied to the data. In addition, state-level aggregate data is still being processed during this time.

A few days after early student-level results are provided to district coordinators, the early results are available to other educators who have either a user role that allows for viewing score reports or an association with students through a roster.

CRS allows authorized users to view test questions from state assessments. Once test questions from state-mandated assessments such as STAAR are available in CRS, the questions are no longer considered secure and may be used for instructional purposes. Test questions from optional, field-test, and pilot assessments such as STAAR Interim Assessments must remain secure and are available in CRS for viewing only.

NOTE: Data in CRS is dynamic and changes as updates are made in TIDE.

Preliminary Reports

Each district’s preliminary assessment reports for accountability are posted in the Secure File Center for the district coordinator. These preliminary assessment reports include student report cards, student labels, district and campus summary reports, and reporting data files. Refer to the Data File Formats webpage for the specific format of the reporting data files.

Preliminary Assessment Reports for Accountability Available.png

In addition, each region’s preliminary assessment summary reports and reporting data files are posted in the Secure File Center for the region testing coordinator.

Finally, a few days after preliminary reports are provided to district and region testing coordinators, the preliminary assessment results for accountability are made available in the Family and Research portals. District personnel should refer to the Family Portal page for information on helping parents access the Family Portal. District personnel should refer to the Research Portal page for more information on accessing data in the portal.

Preliminary assessment reports serve as an initial indicator of district and campus accountability ratings. These reports should be used to identify data that need to be corrected during the data correction window. Assessment results included in the preliminary reports are the same results included in the final reports for accountability unless changes have been made during the data correction window.

Data Corrections

The data correction window follows the delivery of preliminary assessment reports and is an opportunity for district testing personnel to make corrections to data reported in the preliminary results. Changes submitted during this window will be reflected in the final assessment reports for accountability that are posted to the Secure File Center. Any updates made after the data correction window will be included in scheduled updates but will not be reflected in final assessment reports or the consolidated accountability file.

Data Correction Window.png

  • District testing personnel should make any necessary corrections to a student’s name or date of birth through the View/Edit/Export Student, Upload Student Information, or Upload Additional Student Fields tasks in the Student Information module in TIDE. For TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, the TIDE Years in U.S. Schools field should also be updated as needed.

  • If a student has been reported in the wrong district or campus, the district coordinator should contact Texas Testing Support to correct the information.

  • For any students reported with a temporary ID, district testing personnel should merge the record with the student’s permanent Texas Student Data System (TSDS) ID.

  • If test results are associated to the incorrect student, district personnel should contact Texas Testing Support to have the test reassociated to the correct student.

  • District testing personnel should resolve duplicate test records by selecting the Discrepancy Resolution option in the Data Cleanup module in TIDE.

  • District testing personnel may submit a score code change by selecting the Change Score Code option under Request Type in the Appeals/Score Codes module in TIDE.

The following table includes information which can and cannot be corrected during the data correction window.

Can Be Done

Cannot Be Done

Submit score code changes

Enter a score code

Resolve test discrepancies

Enter student responses in DEI

Resolve temporary TSDS IDs

Add a student

Submit rescore requests

Correct existing student demographic information

Correct student name

Correct student date of birth

Correct years in U.S. Schools


Requesting Rescores

A rescore of short or extended constructed responses is requested by selecting the “Re-Score a Test” option under Request Type in the Appeals/Score Codes module in TIDE. A purchase order number must be included in the comments box of the Appeals/Score Codes module for the rescore to be processed. If a rescore request does not result in an improved score, the district will be charged $50.


Requesting Rescores

A rescore of speaking responses in a TELPAS listening and speaking assessment or of writing responses in the TELPAS reading and writing assessment is requested by selecting the “Re-Score a Test” option under Request Type in the Appeals/Score Codes module in TIDE. A purchase order number must be included in the comments box of the Appeals/Score Codes module for the rescore to be processed. If a rescore request does not result in an improved score, the district will be charged $50.

Final Reports

Final assessment reports include updated reporting data files with changes made during the data correction window and any updated student report cards, student labels, and district and campus summary reports. Campus rosters are also available with final assessment reports. Each district’s final assessment reports for accountability are posted in the Secure File Center for the district coordinator.

Final Assessment Reports and Results for Accountability Delivered and Available.png

Additionally, each region’s final assessment summary reports and reporting data files are posted in the Secure File Center for the region testing coordinator.

A few days after final reports are provided to district and region testing coordinators, the final assessment results for accountability are made available in the Family and Research portals.

Final printed copies of student report cards and student labels will be shipped to districts that requested printed versions during the opt-in windows.


For spring administrations of STAAR, item analysis summary reports and images of extended constructed responses are also be provided. These reports are posted in the Secure File Center for district and region testing coordinators. These reports are available only for assessments that are released to the public.